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Neck brace and public bondage

Started by Kristie75, January 07, 2025, 03:37:52 AM

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Covered or not

Go with it uncovered
0 (0%)
Go with it uncovered and have people stare at you
0 (0%)
Wear cock gag as well
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0


Hey does anyone else use neck braces as a form of head immobilization or just in general? Sometimes when l go to the grocery, l like to wear one hidden under my jacket and scarf. It's adjustable going up but not down without taking it off so l like to raise it right before l enter. I also have a weighted but plug l use and some nipple suckers. I like to walk around uncomfortably in a public space. I also have a cock gag that looks just like a normal mask, l hope to get the guts to wear that one day. Maybe not hide the neck brace and wear the mask. I would have to go to a non local grocery. The looks of pity you get when people see the neck brace.  I like to buckle tight belts above and below my breasts and around my waist. I am always looking in thrift stores for nice, thick belts that tighten nicely. Does anyone else share these dirty ideas and things in public? Does anyone have ideas to add to my already self inflicted scenario?

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