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Maidbot Sentence by Jackie Rabbit

Started by teanndaorsa, December 17, 2024, 09:06:00 PM

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M/f; fpov; chain; cuffs; F2maidbot; naked; oral; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


A fun read and interesting.  I do enjoy the world building, and the rather believable steps the world took to end up in this mess of a situation.  I would say it was shocking how the powerful organised events to suit them, but, well, it really isn't that surprising, sad to say.

From a character development point of view I do find myself wondering why she was in so much debt.  Did she just live a wild and reckless life?  Was she unlucky?  In a sense why she ended up here doesn't matter that much, but it would be an interesting insight into her character.  We already know that she has standards, and works very hard to stand by them, which is deeply admirable!

It would be nice to see more of both of these characters, such respectable and admirable characters, who normally seem destined not to cross paths again, but time will tell.


Thank you. It's my intention to have Jackie retain her internal thoughts after being fitted with the maidbot chipset, so she can reflect on the events that brought her to her present situation. I'm thinking a wealthy family with two working parents purchases her contract, so they don't have to do the more mundane housework kind of things themselves.

Do they have adult children still in the home, and are these good kids, or naughty ones? I envision a smartphone type of control device that controls her day and maintains her contractual limits, but what if the young adult children have a better grasp on the technology than their parents (as one would expect) and maybe find a way to defeat the limits on her "performance?"

It might be both easy and predictable to make the "children" evil and self-serving, but what if they were instead good kids, and they didn't like what society had turned into any more than Jackie's sympathetic public defender? Or, maybe the wife in this household is overwhelmed with her career and taking care of the home too, and therefore the husband isn't getting any at home; and suddenly there's Jackie, dressed in a little house maid's uniform dress and uber compliant. She maybe wasn't sold for sex, but maybe she could still provide it if she wanted to, or was reprogrammed to desire it.

What if the wife had been the one to purchase the Jackie maidbot instead, so her husband would leave her alone, or even so she could continue to carry on with a workmate without guilt? 

So many options here, and thank you again, Jackie.


This is a good intro setup. You do have plenty of options in which direction you want to go. You listed some potential choices. It will be interesting to see which direction you will be heading.


Yes. I'm up for a sequel too but don't give away too much before you write it.


Thank you pinkbishop, I do float ideas here on the forum for story direction, but I could also see how that might be a spoiler, so I will take that under consideration.

Thanks again, Jackie.


Sentence length as maidbot was not specified.
It was also not specified if she could function as regular human anymore.
was this intended?  ;)


I left those items up for negotiation, as in the public defender was to get his best deal, although that might not necessarily  be my alter-ego's best deal. Do you have a preference one way or the other?

Best wishes, Jackie.


sentence is limited
most peopple CAN function otherwise...if they want to. Most don't. So...


This just occurred to me, but what if the sentence was fixed at a no-sex finite number, but documented sex reduced it incrementally? Also, the sentence could be for years "under control," as in the time spent as an uncontrolled human didn't count. The computer chip would know this, but if it was in error (either intentionally or by accident) how could one argue her case?

Thank you for fresh ideas I hadn't considered, Jackie.


Possible other angle to setting: who said that rich girl doesn't want to play as such maid (with pre-configured settings or even direct control over chip - as long as she is in her home and her own room, except that system could prevent her from going to her room for some reason, temporarily). What could go wrong?


While I certainly like the trading-places concept of that, there was a recent story here with a similar scenario ( a very good story too) and I'd feel a bit odd taking that path myself. Stories here obviously inspire us to write all sorts of things with related themes, but in this one I envision my alter-ego character having a lot in life that nobody in their right mind wants for themselves. Maybe not quite a "sucks to be you" indifferent mindset, maybe more of a caring one, as in "how can we make this easier on you?"

That being said, I do like the concept of the kids gaining "forbidden" access to my alter-ego's higher order functions, maybe just naughty-boy self-servingly so, as in no undergarments under your official uniform for the day. Could she be compelled to whistle one of their favorite tunes while she worked, bow in supplication every time one of them entered the room?

There are just so many possibilities here, and thank you again for suggestions, Jackie.


> there was a recent story here with a similar scenario ( a very good story too) and I'd feel a bit odd taking that path myself.
which one?


Undercover Maidbot by Melissa M. It's a very entertaining story, but the human element is where the real self-serving element comes in. That one has room for further expansion too...

Happy new year, Jackie.

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