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The Move

Started by Avril Black, July 11, 2024, 06:47:25 PM

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Avril Black

It was now that a change began.We were both in our early teens. One evening Helen began to tell us the truth."First of all you are adopted you are not related.Alma and I have full custody of you both.Both of us decided to bring you up separately until now.You obviously get on together and enjoy each others company.We have agreed that we need more space and have put this house up for sale, we have seen an affordable property and we shall be moving shortly.Your education will cease and you will be home schooled. Discipline and obedience will be instated and punishment will be central when needed" We gazed at each other in astonishment."So you Christina will wear girls clothes chosen by us and Alexa will be reporting any misconduct from you to us.Chastisement will be harsh."

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