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Bury Me Please by Owlbear

Started by teanndaorsa, May 18, 2024, 09:06:46 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
M/f; buried; mast; snorkel; beach; garden; cons; X
M/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; garden; shed; naked; rom; X
F/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; nightclub; hidden; naked; rom; cons; X
F/f; MF; bond; cage; fetters; mast; sex; boxed; encased; exhib; X-frame; dungeon; nightclub; hidden; naked; cons; XX
M+/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; garden; shed; naked; cons; X
M+/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; shackles; garden; naked; cons; X
M+/f; MF; mast; sex; packaged; buried; tricked; trash; farm; outdoors; naked; cons; X
FM+/f; buried; enclosed; mast; oral; sex; climax; naked; group; cons; X
FM+/f; buried; enclosed; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
FM+/f; buried; entombed; hoist; death; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


Great start! I can't wait to read the next chapter! Just a suggestion, I think he should get Jenny a real coffin to be buried in and maybe a tombstone! Thank you!


Thanks for the compliment. It's my first attempt at a story like this so I wasn't sure if it would appeal to others or not.

As for the coffin, I actually decided up front that I wanted to avoid using a coffin if at all possible, as it's quite a common item in stories and I wanted something more 'home grown'. And if the entire story plays out, you'll see why I haven't planned for a tombstone.


Parts 2 through 5 up tonight, enjoy!


I will admit I approached this story with a bit of caution, simply because some stories that explore being buried get seriously dark, but this isn't one of those.  Instead this is a wonderfully romantic, happy and loving story that kept me feeling warm and happy all the way through :)

The initial setup is simple, yet well done.  It is good to have good communication between partners, but yes, anyone can see and understand that some things are harder to admit and share than others, so its no wonder that both of them had failed to mention such an out there interest and desire, even though the reality is that they are incredibly well matched and suited to each other.

So starting on the beach is just one of those natural and easy approaches to an otherwise rather hard to raise topic.  At that point it is really nice and reassuring to see such a sensible and realistic approach being taken.  A little bit of sand is enough for the experience, not enough pressure or weight for it to be a concern, yet its the full experience.  So then having people actually walk past just really adds to the feelings, sensations and experience, it is so nice to see such wickedness being played out, yet without anyone being any the wiser, giving a real spice and extra sense of fun to the experience for our happy couple!

From there, going to the garden and using soil is quite a step forard, but it is also a completely sensible and logical next step to take.  Again, it is done carefully and sensibly, not simply ignoring safety and diving straight into the deep end of "yep, that's not going to work".

Part 2 takes this and just moves it forwards a sensible amount, while also showing the work and consideration that is required to make it work.  I do enjoy the balance between the practical steps required to make it happen, making it very easy to follow and visualise the setting and scene, which is then paired with the obvious love and passion they are finding in this new found hobby, and the fun it is for both of them.  Also good that the work all being placed onto the husbands shoulders isn't being ignored, even if it is clearly all and well worth it :)

Part 3, well, apparently strange art is something that is worth paying attention to now and then!  I have never heard of that artist or performance, and sort of would have expected to come across someone referencing it before now in stories I read, but there we go.  Interesting to learn that these wild fantasies aren't always quite so very far from the things that people get up to and do in reality!

Obviously bringing the idea of having people walk over the buried wife isn't something that can be just sorted out, so again, this is solved in a logical and reasonable manor, and it adds in some new and fun characters, and a new location where fun things are going to be happening.  I love the way that the idea is taken, and run with, and suddenly there is so much interest in the fact that people either above or below the perspex lid are going to be looking to have sex, just adding another layer to an already intensely sexual experience.

I do have issues with the casual way the dominants are the club are talking about signing up their submissives for the experience, it is the feeling that the submissives get no say in the process that unsettles me, but that's just the romantic heart talking, and pointing out the importance of consent and communication, something that is very clearly strongly at work in both couples we are actually following.

Then the ending, pointing out how people often think, and are told, that BDSM is all about pain, ignoring all of the bondage and sensual elements and aspects that are actually here, and are so important to so many of us.  So good to see this highlighted and pointed out :)

Part 4, well, with this much passion and sexual energy being built up, and seeing and learning that adding restraint to being buried really ramps things up a notch, it is no wonder that people need sexual relief.  I did delight in seeing the captive wife being taken and fucked with the dildo like that, a wonderful example of pushing her limits and going a step further, without being crazy in how far you should push your partners limits without discussion before hand.

I must say watching our lucky wife get secured into the box, and packed in so well with all of the sheets of foam really did work for me, since it reminded me of some wicked pictures I have seen online of this being done to a fetish model.  A most enjoyable, and naughty, mental image, that put a large happy smile on my face!

Part 5, sorry to say, but I found the shackles and the idea of her being suspended in mid air inside the underground box to be a bit hard to follow.  I do enjoy the concept, it is fun and interesting, but somehow just not very clearly explained, making it harder to really enjoy that moment of wicked fun.  I am looking forward to seeing all of the packing peanuts being put to good use though *smirk*  of course, if you were feeling really naughty, it does suggest that once someone has been packed with packing peanuts, they are all ready to be shipped, before being secured into a nice hole in the ground at their destination!

I do hope the author has plans for a little more with these fun and lovely characters, the journey really has been a lot of fun so far :)


Ooh! Goody! One of my minor but still prominent fetishes! And well written (and like Feline said, happily not dark)! How many parts total are coming? Any more planned after them?
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


Parts 6 and 7 up tonight, with 8 through 10 still in the queue and due up in the next week or two. Enjoy!


Thank you Feline and Zephyr for those kind words.

The story came about in part because most stories seemed to be about people being buried against their will, or where the burial was clearly impossible to do for real, and for me the best stories are ones that are not just consensual but also at least reasonably realistic.

A bit of artistic license is OK, but too many stories seemed to ignore either physics or biology, or both (and the scientific part of me sometimes hates that). And when someone goes on a journey of discovery it seems to happen practically overnight while in real life things may take years to progress.

So I thought I'd have a go at doing something that was a bit beyond what most people would try, but not completely beyond the realms of possibility. And I sort of thought of it as being like a TV series, where you see some of the more interesting parts of peoples lives, but skip the bits that would be boring to watch, although sometimes they might mention things that took place between the episodes just to leave you wondering what you missed. That's one reason why the entire story plays out over 2 or 3 years, rather than a matter of weeks - in real life people need to get comfortable when they do something new before they can try going to the next step.

So I'm glad that there are people out there that are enjoying the story - it really does make it all worth while.


part 6 - I do enjoy how much pleasure everyone is getting from the burial scenes.  The idea, the mental image that Liz is wearing out two men due to how worked up she is when Jenny spends the entire night buried really does put a smile on my face!  It is important to remember that everyone else involved in these kinky games also has to get something out of all of the work of securing and looking after the captive.

Buried with extra people, that is an interesting way to take this up a notch, and add some new and interesting spice.  It is nice to see the need to balance the fantasy with the practical realities of making this happen being a key part of the story and what is going on here.  It makes things feel a lot more reasonable, considered, and "real".

So seeing that some of the audience thought this was all a big joke rings true, and just reminds us that people say a lot of things, but actually following through and doing what they are talking about, that is quite a different thing!  Then the electric screw driver!  A small detail, but it adds to the experience, the sound, the feeling and concept, no wonder Jenny had such a strong reaction to this! :)

Part 7 - there are wise friends here, Jenny is indeed going to start looking for her next, new and improved thrill, sooner rather than later :)  Yay for the idea of moving the box she is secured inside of around, just transporting and then "dumping" her!  Obviously something that has to be handled carefully and safely, but it really changes things up, while sticking to the core of what works so well for all of all of them!

Then the teasing hints of an extra surprise for Jenny...  that is a good way to keep me interested, not that I wasn't really interested already...  and I do like the stage setting, with the fake rubbish, to make this more "real" for her!

Foam inserts, I do think this level of "safely packaged" is wise when she is being transported...  obviously that is the only reason for making her so helpless, nothing kinky here at all *smirk*

That was mean, picking her up like that, yet fits so very well with the entire situation, the scene and premis, its ideal!  Talk about getting her worked up and really getting her going!  Very naughty and teasing :)

Then we get another experience before this part ends.  Nice to see them playing with the same idea, but still doing things a bit differently, to keep the story moving along, and the ideas coming.  A lovely read, and I am looking forward to the extra chapters that we have been told are coming soon!


Thanks for the comments Owlbear, it is interesting to see this from your perspective.  You are quite right, and I very much agree that many stories simply don't seem to consider any of the practical implications of what they are doing, or how to try and make it work.  You don't need to go into great detail, but at least some recognition that these things matter and were thought about would be nice.

I have nothing against using magic, or "super science" to work around these problems, it lets you dismiss them and move on with the fun times, but it would be nice if it felt somehow "real" and "reasonable", even using these methods.

I do hope that you have enjoyed this writing experience so far, and are inclined to keep on writing :)  If you are, personally I would be interested in a bit more emotion, more moments from the perspective of the bound and captured Jenny, and from the other characters as well.  It would help me to try and place myself into their places and perspectives, and show us more of the pleasure and anticipation they are getting from this.

Your part 7 really reminded me of something I came across, many years ago now, on the House of Gord website.  They had some pictures and low quality video showing the packaging and transport, but the most interesting details, for me, were in the written description of the scene.

From memory, the scene was looking to re-enact a scene in a book, where women were captured, packaged up in crates, and shipped off to be sex slaves.  One wrinkle in the story is that the crates were fitted with explosives, to make sure that no living witnesses were retrieved if something went wrong and the captive woman didn't reach her destination.  Obviously not something to consider outside of fantasy!

In the scene the crate was filled with hard foam, with the shape cut out for the model to lay on her back, arms at her sides, fully encased in foam, including above and below, so that when the crate was sealed she was tightly secured in place for transport.  The pictures showed some foam toy TNT sticks, but since they wanted to add some fun to this, they added a real, but safe, peril for the model to grapple with.

She was fitted with a set of tens electrodes, which use electricity to cause sensation, or pain on higher settings.  They found the maximum setting on the tens machine she could tolerate, and then, with her agreement and permission, turned it up several steps past this point.  So getting shocked by the machine while bound would be very unpleasant, something she would want to avoid.

They had a microphone by her head, to listen to her for safety, but also as the trigger for the tens machine.  If she made noise she got shocked, which obviously would tend to encourage her to make more noise.  So a rather wicked peril for the model.

The description said they also fitted her crate with a powerful vibrator they could control during transport, but didn't tell her about this, so it would come as a surprise during the scene, and leave her with the problem of remaining silent when being surprised by the vibrator, and presumably driven to multiple orgasms during the scene.

Once secured and sealed up the crate was loaded up onto a truck and then taken for a drive on normal, public roads, with other cars around.  So not much to see or look at, and I was left really wanting to hear from the model about how she felt about the whole experience, especially the surprise of the vibrator, and the real peril this placed her into.


Part 8 - adding the new top layer, concrete of all things, it is tempting to call this a small extra step, but that really isn't fair.  It is a lot of practical considerations, practice and work to add this, plus the massive extra phycological aspects of this!

I do love how well the emotions are drawn out here, really adding something to the experience and bringing out feelings of the passion and pleasures everyone gets out of this.  An excellent part, and one that I really enjoyed, thank you :)


Parts 9 and 10 bring this tale to a maudlin end; thank you to Owlbear for this, hope you all enjoy!


Not sure what to say about parts 9 and 10, other than to thank the author for the excellent story, and finding a way to bring it to a sad, but believable and fitting, conclusion.

Part 9 is interesting, but doesn't have a lot of emotional punch, for all of the much more public and busy nature of the scene.  It is an interesting and well thought out solution to the "I want more people around me" situation.  It is just that for all the obvious pleasure this brings the characters, that passion and fun didn't really come through for me.

I will admit to just skimming over part 10, since it was quickly clear where we were going with this.  I cannot say I "enjoyed" this part, but I do appreciate the thought, sadness and general emotion that went into this conclusion.  A "good" approach, finding her own way in a very difficult and dark time of her life, on her terms.  That I do have to respect and admire, but its not the happy and romantic ending I like to find in a story.  But such is the way of things sometimes.

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