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Steel Straightjacket by M88

Started by Gromet, January 29, 2017, 04:30:41 AM

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You'll find this story here on the Plaza:
Solo-F; festival; camping; stuck; M/f; van; drug; kidnap; captive; steeldrum; bond; latex; catsuit; encased; trapped; punished; shocks; cons/nc; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks.   ;)


Very interesting story M88. I am looking forward to reading what does happen to her next. Sounds like Cheryl is in one hell of a situation. And, of course, the shock aspect works very well for me. I enjoy the electro-torture aspect being put in any story...hehehe.

Happy writing. I will await eagerly for Cheryl's next episode.



I was not planning to do a part 2. But maybe i will if i can think of something :)



As a writer, I fully understand leaving a story with a 'possible' addition to it for maybe revisiting it later. Please don't worry about another chapter to it if you haven't planned it unless you decide to. I can imagine what happens to her and what she is put through. I just like reading it from the original author's pov. I did enjoy it and only revisit Cheryl's plight if you have nothing else to work on and wish to follow up on her.


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