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Welcome New Members

Started by ElectroPainLover, January 24, 2017, 06:59:18 AM

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Let me take this opportunity to give all of our New Member a hearty Welcome! We are all very happy to welcome you to Gromet's Plaza Forum!

We have had a very appreciable growth in membership lately. We started the morning of January 16th with 864 members. As I get ready to close my day today, evening of January 23rd; I have approved two more members, bringing our membership to 894...a growth of 30 new members in only 7 days. I think that is Great!

As new members, be aware that you have the freedom to start posts, reply to posts, start topics, post polls, vote in polls, Private Message, setup a profile, and many other things. Please remember Gromet's rules and guidelines. We will not tolerate any abusive, inflammatory, or unwanted Personal Messages, emails, or post replies. If anybody ever receives such type of harassment, please feel free to either click the 'Report to Moderator' link or Private Message any Administrator or Moderator:

Gromet - Administrator (Should only be used to resolve an issue with a staff member)
Lobo de la Sombra - Administrator
MsBehavin - Administrator
64Fordman - Moderator
ElectroPainLover - Moderator
Trash girl - Trashcan Moderator (For Trashcan-related issues)

And we will be more than happy to address the matter.

If you have not already, please read the Forum rules: -- Copyright -- Standard Plaza and Forum Rules -- Abusive Behavior

Violation of the rules set forth by Gromet can, and most likely will, result in disciplinary actions; up to and including possibly being permanently banned from Gromet's Plaza Forum.
Please note...violation of 'spamming' or, especially, 'Abuse of another member' will be grounds for an immediate and permanent ban from the Forum.

If you wish to write and submit stories to Gromet for use on the Plaza, please read the following: -- Story Posting Guidelines -- Writer's Guide

Again; we Welcome all of our new members and Thank all of our 'Old-Hats' for their continued support and contributions which makes Gromet's Plaza Forum a wonderful and delightful experience.

Gromet's Plaza Forum Staff

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