Author Topic: Requesting help on a story situation  (Read 7564 times)

Offline Zephyr

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Requesting help on a story situation
« on: February 20, 2016, 06:51:52 am »
I want to write a story, and prefer to write at least plausible situations, even if unlikely. I have a college student female lead who wants to be a full-blown (sex) slave of someone she picks, someone in the externals of her circle of friends. The slavery would last for 3 weeks and the last week would be spring break. But what could she do to truly put herself into his slavery, whether she wanted to be or not, and that is plausible.

I don't think writing a letter of surrender would work, she could repudiate the letter at any time, or he could be held responsible for what went on in those three weeks afterwards, which I don't want to be a possibility. Maybe someone else can think of how to work it out that way.

I was thinking that she gives him a large sum of money, her remaining college funds, and only if she serves him perfectly does he need to give it back, and if she goofs and he gets to keep it she is broke and has lost her college future. Something so she is his slave, almost in a Gorean sense, and there doesn't have to be any consensuality about it at all. But the trick is, after the 3 weeks, things revert back to as they were.

Looking forward to others (your) thoughts on how this condition could be achieved!
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Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Requesting help on a story situation
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2016, 12:55:59 pm »
I like the premise of a contract, perhaps she even being a legal student working on her law degree. ( I am working on elements of that myself for Playing Chauffer, but that one involves a marriage contract modification so I don't think the two would clash.)

 If she were studying some form of contractual law she might be able to construct the perfect legal trap for herself as a playful exercise, a binding contract, if you'll pardon the pun. The document and the bearer could be sold to the friend of her choice, or even auctioned off for charity with her "services" going to someone other than who she had in mind.

Could a local fraternity pool their donations and purchase the contract?

 It seems to me that she should reap some reward for her sacrifice though, rather than have to pay for the experience, perhaps the one/ones enslaving her to donate his/their time or money to some charitable organization at the successful conclusion. If she couldn't perform as advertised perhaps her contract could contain a clause that she be resold to someone else at the next school break, as in learn how to be the perfect slave, or grow old and beat while practicing.

A shock collar with a "property of" tag could be purchased, and locked on the woman by her own hand to ensure she didn't change her mind once the fun started, her temporary owner in control of the remote for the device. The key locking it on could be mailed to a neutral party with instructions to mail it back after the contract was successfully fulfilled, and a sealed envelope containing some incriminating pictures of the woman in question could also be sent to the same neutral party with instructions to either open and post the contents on the school bulletin board, or destroy the envelope without looking.

All this could be ostensibly for charity, so no matter what one was compelled to do ones conscience could be clear. Also the sent key could unlock the cuffs about her wrists and ankles, ones she had also placed there by her own hand ensuring no claims of criminal intent could be seriously leveled, most especially if the incriminating sent pictures were of the woman locking them closed herself.

This was a fun exercise, thank you for the opportunity, Jackie. 

Offline SwitchMan

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Re: Requesting help on a story situation
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2016, 01:49:44 pm »
You might enlist the oversight of a third party (i.e. a lawyer, a secret society, a trusted mutual friend).  In keeping with your legal/contract theme, the third party could hold funds, or possibly the physical key to the protagonists freedom, in escrow.  At the end of the three weeks, the third party would decide whether she satisfied the terms of the agreement.

Just my two cents...

A Pensive Pen

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Re: Requesting help on a story situation
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2016, 02:03:46 pm »
There's no way to make a non-consensual relationship "legal." If your story requires the protagonist to be coerced into things she doesn't consent to, that's a crime being committed in the story. No contract or lawyer will change that if you're trying to keep things strictly realistic (but of course, this is fiction so you can write whatever you like).

I would go a route of mutually assured destruction, meaning both the student and her benefactor (I defaulted to a professor but of course it doesn't need to be that way) want to enter this arrangement but each could make the other suffer a great deal if word gets out.

As an example: student is excelling in her work and has a very promising future. Benefactor is a rising star professor who just received tenure. Student proposes and enters into the arrangement willingly, but thinks that if things get too unpleasant she can back out with the threat of exposing the professor (ruining his/her career). It'd be embarrassing but manageable. Professor, however, flips it by discovering some past indiscretion of the student's (cheating, for example), or better yet tricks the student into incriminating herself. Now the professor can hold her entire future over her head and uses that to exert total authority. You could even have the student try to pull the plug only to discover the professor is connected with the right people (i.e. he brings a lot of grant money and prestige to the university. The dean likes him/her, as do some of the trustees. Hell, throw a friendly cop in there for good measure) who could likely protect the professor from any real consequences.

Student is basically stuck and experiencing the full range of her situation. It may not even be clear whether the professor will release her after the agreed 3 weeks. But ultimately the student will find evidence of some wrongdoing (say, the professor plagiarized his dissertation or recent research) that can't be covered up, and use that to turn the tables. So she has the leverage to make sure the agreement is fulfilled and ended, but if word gets out either of them will be able to destroy the other.

Offline Lobo De la Sombra

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Re: Requesting help on a story situation
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2016, 04:23:51 pm »
Another option is classic blackmail with a twist.  In a possible scenario for this, your student prepares a legally binding contract that requires the other participant to shoot pictures and/or videos of the student during her servitude.  Carefully worded clauses within the contract would require the other person to release those images/videos on the internet if she fails to fulfill her side of the contract.  Other clauses would provide for strict punishment, from fines to legal action, if the other person releases anything to the internet without being able to provide proof that she failed to meet her side of the contract.  It could also provide for the destruction of any incriminating material after the contract is completed.  Of course, the possibility is always there that, after the three weeks is over, the two could decide to continue the arrangement informally.  And, of course, if the other person isn't well versed in legal matters, the whole contract could be a sham, with no real legal weight behind it, simply something to fool or scare the other person into following the terms.  No matter how you set it up, you could be looking at a very good multi-chapter story here.
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Offline Arkane

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Re: Requesting help on a story situation
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2016, 08:04:05 pm »
As others stated before me, the only way you could work a believable "slave contract" in a plot set in a normal western country is by having both sides in possession of blackmail material against each other.
No one is willing to be damaged by this so every disagreement about the "contract" should be handled with extreme care.

I can think of a possibile alternative if this female student goes to a shady place of the world... in some countries slavery is a fact, maybe not stated openly by the law.

Offline 64Fordman

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Re: Requesting help on a story situation
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 12:26:43 am »
Hi Zephyr,

It sounds like a great story idea and you have gotten some good feedback. I would like to offer my comments to your original query. Your female college student wants to experience life as a sex slave. She wants to control her entry into and exit from a situation of her making, presumably with other college students, but have no say in any activity during that time, as well as create a penalty for herself for early withdrawal. You as the author want it to be plausible.

To come up with some ideas I put myself into the position of your college student, Kitten, that’s Daddy’s pet name for me. I don’t think I would use money, as that may create an unintended motif. I may be submissive but Daddy didn’t raise a fool. I need something valuable to me, but only valuable to the other participants as an incentive to my participation. Ideally, that item would have an expiration date so the hold on me would end. But what?

Of course, the thumb drive with the only copy of my term paper. If I don’t submit on time and fail the course Daddy will send me to State next semester and my allowance will be bus fare, can you imagine?

This was a lot of fun, thank you for allowing me to participate in your story development. I hope it helps you generate some ideas, it did for me.


Offline Zephyr

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Re: Requesting help on a story situation
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2016, 06:48:56 am »
You all are wonderful beyond my wildest expectations! Every single response is good and has good points. I may have more that one story to write! But there may still be more ideas, so bring them on, and THANK YOU!
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


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