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long long ago

Started by jakbird, March 18, 2021, 02:27:58 AM

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Long ago in a galaxy far, far away, back in the earlier days of the Internet I found Gromet and a handful of other websites containing stories of a unique type.  Like Caesar of old I came, I saw, and I conquered my fear of ridicule by attempting to write my own stories.  At the time other venues seemed the better choice, yet none of those sites has stood the test of time.  So once again I find myself returning to a literary Capistrano, posting new and old stories, leaving my mark for posterity much like those allegorical swallows left their droppings on the old mission.

An engineering background coupled with a lifelong love of science fiction shaped my world view.  A requirement for rational thinking mixed with the controversial novels of Robert Heinlein instilled a philosophy of life best defined in the 20th century version of Objectivism, the close cousin of devil worship when it comes to the orthodoxy of mainstream philosophical society.  The urge to write came early on, but it wasn't until the development of word processors that I was able to overcome the twin curses of extremely poor penmanship and non-sequential storytelling.

These days I sit in my small cubbyhole buried deep in a Midwest basement, doing my best to translate from the demented imagination to the glowing screen a vision of a world that will never be but one where we can still dream.  Many of my stories may be familiar to Internet nomads.  Some go back 25 years to very early attempts, on up to brand new fare yet to grow stale with age.  The old slushpile has a number of half-baked ideas.  Yes, that's a teaser for those hardy souls who wade through my turgid prose, eager for yet more masochistic punishment.  For those who can never get enough pain, it includes a three novel trilogy: one complete, one nearing the finish line, and one spun out, overturned, and burning on the track.
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide

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