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Hello (again) !

Started by Daffy Duck, December 24, 2015, 07:58:58 PM

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Daffy Duck

Hi I am Daffy,

Been on this site in the background aloof for many years, then got the courage to join, then started writing. Now some 105 stories later, I am still here.

Most of you will know me for my Trashcan Stories and my Transformation Stories, but I have also done stuff for Machine, Giantess, Devoured, Erotic, Buried, Mummified, Doll, Bound and Packaged.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and every happiness in 2016.



Hi Daffy,

Happy to meet you (again) at the forum relaunch. I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy and joyous new year to you, Gromet and everyone at the Plaza.

Daffy Duck

Thank you 64Fordman, and a very merry Christmas and every happiness in 2016 to you and yours.



I have been a lurker here for a while, so good to meet you and Merry Christmas as well!

Daffy Duck

Thank you Haywire04.

"Meet me"  ???   (I don't get out much, from my wheelie bin.)


Welcome to you as well daffy


Hey daffy
Nice to see you back and chance to read you're lovely stories

Daffy Duck

Thanks Houdini

Sorry for the delay in replying.


Daffy Duck

Hi Madalina,

Sorry for the delay in replying to you also.

Many thanks for the nice hugs which I will treasure ! 

Hugs duly reciprocated !

Thanks for kindly saying that you like my humble stories. I try my best to please.


Trash girl

carful daffy i't might be a girl around loocking into wheeli bin's for a nice trash player to have some fun with

Daffy Duck

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