Author Topic: The Chateau by Budman  (Read 7093 times)

Offline teanndaorsa

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The Chateau by Budman
« on: December 25, 2023, 11:01:28 am »
You can view the story here on the plaza:
M/f+m+; mpov; cellar; cell; mast; toys; oral; group; cons; X
M/f; F/f; cell; mast; tease; denial; bond; cuffs; oral; cons; X
MF/f; MF; mpov; bond; toys; cell; cuffs; mast; sex; oral; cons; XX
MF/f; mpov; bond; cuffs; punish; oral; chain; objectify; cons; X
M/f; M+F+/f; mpov; bond; cuffs; hum; enema; group; chain; rope; dungeon; cell; naked; blindfold; hood; gag; straps; objectify; cons; XX
M+F+/f; mpov; group; orgy; hood; hum; objectify; gag; oral; sex; anal; bond; rope; messy; cons; XX
F/f; MF; mpov; bond; hum; objectify; rope; cell; mast; toys; cons; XX
MF+/f; mpov; bond; cell; objectify; toys; tease; rope; chain; anal; messy; hum; cons; XX
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; hum; objectify; cell; mast; cuffs; outdoors; hobble; oral; toys; public; voy; spank; belt; punish; cons; XX
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; objectify; cell; naked; outdoors; cuffs; chain; anal; cons; X
F+M+/f; mpov; electro; collar; remote; machine; oral; objectify; cell; training; cons; XX
F/f+; cell; rope; bond; cuffs; oral; clamps; training; electro; punish; cons; X
M/f+; F/m; bond; cell; cuffs; chain; naked; cons; X
M+F+/f; mpov; group; punishment; whip; objectify; cuffs; naked; sex; cons; XX
F/f; M/f; MF/f; F/m; mpov; bond; naked; cuffs; susp; flogger; oral; cane; whip; objectify; outdoors; cons; X
M/f; MF/f; anal; group; cell; objectify; bond; cuffs; rope; toys; piercing; tease; breathplay; denial; sex; oral; cons; XX
F/m; group; objectify; slave; chastity; hum; cons; X
F+M+/f; mpov; outdoors; objectify; punishment; cuffs; chain; tease; strapon; tickle; clothespins; trick; cons; XX
M+F+/f; bond; clothespins; objectify; sex; tickle; mast; orgy; rope; toys; pain; irritant; insects; strapon; cons; XX
M+F+/f; mpov; outdoors; whip; chain; naked; cons; XX
M+F+/f; mpov; naked; objectify; cell; cuffs; strappado; susp; clamps; oral; piercing; cons; X
M+F+/f; F/m; mpov; oral; piercing; bond; cuffs; toys; cons; X
M+F+/f; mpov; group; objectify; collar; leash; mast; tease; denial; chastity; sex; anal; orgy; bond; strapon; cuffs; bond; cons; XX
M+F+/mf; MF; mpov; objectify; naked; outdoors; chastity; oral; exhib; oubliette; cuffs; mast; sex; cons; X
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; objectify; cell; naked; pain; oral; cuffs; susp; cons; X
M+F+/mf+; mpov; group; bond; cuffs; orgy; oral; sex; one-bar-prison; tease; denial; paddle; cons; X
FM+/f; mpov; clamps; bond; chain; rope; tickle; oral; cons; X
M+F+/f+; mpov; bond; objectify; oubliette; oral; mast; sendep; toys; remote; naked; cons; XX
M/f; mpov; bond; outdoors; drug; strip; naked; rope; susp; predicament; one-bar-prison; sawhorse; pain; whip; reluct; blood; XXX
MF/f; M/f; mpov; bond; hotel; objectify; whip; punish; cons; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 11:16:21 pm by teanndaorsa »

Offline Lars

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2023, 05:00:15 pm »
Interesting setup, am excited about which direction the story will take.

Offline feline

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2024, 05:55:23 pm »
Agreed, an interesting situation, and I am rather curious to see where this is going, and what the plan is.  The fact that this starts with the statement its a long story is interesting, since it needs to do things, to have things happen, to make the chapters interesting, so most curious to see what sort of things are planned here.

Offline feline

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2024, 02:57:49 pm »
Before starting part 2, I had been thinking about this a bit in the background, and a couple of things had really stood out to me from memory.  First the comment about our house owner having a business selling electronic sex toys, suggesting that such toys might become an interesting feature in the future.  But are any of them remote controlled over the internet?  I am sure we will find out :)

The second point that was running around in my head was how angry Paula had become when Heather just decided to go down to the cellar on her own, without talking to anyone.  It was striking how strong her emotional reaction seemed, was, without really knowing or understanding where that strength of emotion came from.

So I had been looking forward to reading more of this, and was happy that another part appeared so soon.  So, onto part two...

Um...  yep, starting with stunned silence, and some awe!  Reading part 2, one line REALLY stood out to me:

It was obvious the group was thinking that over. Good, I wanted them to start thinking of Heather, not as someone to be protected, but as a threat to their lifestyle. It would take weeks of manipulation, but I thought I could get there. As a part of that process, I needed to dehumanize Heather in their eyes.

I had to stop reading at this point and just wonder and consider what is going on here, and how I felt about it.  It is a very powerful comment, very powerful and "dangerous" thing, possibly very dark and evil, but at the same time, this is a story, a fantasy, and the idea, but more than just the idea, the characters, their emotions, interactions and how they are going to change and develop with the story really fascinate me.  This is already feeling like a strong on character story that is really making me interested.

Looking back at how part 2 started, it is interesting how well our home owner picked up on Heather's level of kink and interest in being a prisoner, something that it seems everyone else really was quite oblivious to!  It is interesting that even with such a sexually open and experienced group, so apparently familiar and comfortable with each other, that they weren't more aware of how kinky Heather really was.

It was a massive "offer", "task", to convert one of the group into a prisoner, but on reflection, I don't think I really absorbed just how desperate the group was becoming to have secure and comfortable lodging and employment.  I think this is because for, well, all of part 1 the group were shown to be so relaxed, chilled out, and simply happy to be coasting through life without a care or a thought.  The only one who wasn't was Paula, but I wasn't really sure what drove her anger.

Now though, yes, he has worked to sow the seeds, to push the group in the direction he wants to take them, but already the group has completely split into "us" and "them", the jailers who are working hard to secure their home and housing, and food, and the captive who's main function is to threaten everything they have just received...  Really fascinating character development here, and I am wondering how much story you have here, and where you want to try and take this.

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2024, 05:43:53 am »
In my intro I mentioned "The Stanford Prison Experiment" prominently.  You really need to understand this 1970s college psychology experiment to understand the inspiration for this story.

That said, and having written 25 chapters (to be released one per week), I must admit that the final direction didn't go quite as far down that rabbit hole as I was expecting, as you will see.  So you don't need to be quite as concerned about the quote you highlighted as our landlord can't bring himself to manipulate the group quite that extremely.
But they all do have a lot of fun and I think you'll enjoy the story.

Thanks, as always, for your deep and constructive comments.  I have really started to look forward to finding your posts.

Offline feline

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2024, 09:43:29 am »
I am not seeing any sign of this in the intro.  The intro at the start of part 1 is rather short, but tells us something important to know.  So if the intro is important to following the story properly, that's something to be aware of.

I do know something about this experiment, and knowing this is what inspired you, it actually makes a lot of sense!  It also makes me consider that I don't recall ever seeing any other erotic stories really exploring this idea, so its not a common concept, at least not where I look for stories.

Having been prompted to go back and look at part 1 again, I had a look to see how desperate for money they are, and the answer is really very desperate, but as I noted, they are coming across as so friendly, happy and relaxed, the underling desperation of their situation really doesn't come through.  But knowing that in the background they really DO need the income they are getting, and thus the level of consequences for all of them, should their "selfish and horny" prisoner break the rules, it helps a lot to explain how quickly the situation, and perception, of their prisoner changes.

Certainly looking forward to seeing how you fill and explore for 25 chapters!  That is a lot of time with one woman locked in a cell, all giddy for the potential for interesting character growth here :)

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2024, 06:08:23 am »
You know, you're right.  I remember now that I removed that part of the into right before I sent the story in.  I think I felt at the time that I really had not explored the concepts from that experiment adequately by the end of the story and decided to pull  the reference.  Perhaps some day I'll try again to explore the concepts.

But I'm glad you are familiar with the experiment.  I think it says a lot about human nature and also the dangers of hiring, training and supervising law enforcement.  Not to mention explaining some Dom's that get run out of local BDSM clubs for pushing subs beyond agreed limits - and the subs that let them while they are in a scene.

Offline teanndaorsa

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2024, 04:09:44 pm »
Chapter 3 up today, enjoy!

Offline feline

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2024, 04:05:35 pm »
I would not call part 3 as sexy, to my way of thinking, as the first 2 parts, but it is quite fascinating!

Still working on working out what is making the 5 "jailers" tick in all of this.  First we have Maggie, being very sexually aggressive, and also down right cruel with removing the vibrator, after applying it in a way that she surely knew was not going to lead to an orgasm for their prisoner.  Then the taunting, it felt much more like putting on a show, making a statement and punishing their prisoner than it did anything about sex for the sake of pleasure.

It feels like a great deal of anger being directed at Heather, their prisoner.  We do get some insight into this as the part goes on, her friend having "deserted" her for this fantasy life instead.  Still, the level of anger seems excessive, not that our prisoner seems to mind in the least.  It almost seems that the harsher Heather is treated, the more she likes it.

Then after the act, we have Maggie starting to come down from her high, for the lack of a better description, and feeling regret for how she treated her friend, seeing Heather as her friend rather than a prisoner.  Interesting that, even in such a sexually open group, she didn't seem to have much understanding of how kinky her friend really was.  Also some quick work keeping her focussed on viewing the prisoner as a prisoner, rather than a friend!

Then Paula finally gets the sex she was looking for.  Again a surprise, but this time how vigorous she was, since she seems to have had so much distrust, if not outright anger, towards our house owner since the beginning.  It is also quite a surprise that she has a history of being dominant, given how she comes across as deeply angry at the idea of a woman wanting to be, and enjoying being locked up.  But perhaps now we are going to start seeing and understanding more of her perspective on all of this.

One interesting takeaway though is that the groups financial position was even more desperate than I realised, which just adds weight to his offer, but also to her fears that he is taking advantage.  So seeing that from his perspective the costs are actually quite minor is interesting, and will perhaps reduce some of her hostility towards him, assuming she decides to believe what he is telling her.

Checking in with the prisoner, and showing her some kindness, should go a good way towards easing some of her understandable concerns.

Offline feline

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2024, 02:10:31 pm »
Part 4 was a lot of fun to read, and left me with some interesting thoughts to consider as well :)

It is good to learn a bit more about our central man, and his history, slowly fleshing out the character as a person, to learn something about what he wants from all of this, and what is driving him.  Also we are slowly learning more about the other people here as well.  Good to see some well rounded characters growing as we learn more about them, and see more of them and their world.

One interesting take away is that he is clearly relatively well off, which makes it even clearer why and how he is happy to accept the rather small running costs of this "prison" and the staff, in order to live the fantasy, to indulge his desires and see where this gets him.  After all, how come he is willing to spend so much on all of this, and what is he getting out of it, is a central question to all of this.

Taking Paula along for the checkin, and confirming that both Paula and Heather knew and understood what this meant, was interesting.  We are clearly reaching the point where Paula really is on his side, and is accepting, and getting happy, that keeping and treating Heather as a prisoner, as someone less than the others, is acceptable and appropriate.  Looks like Paula is shifting from fighting all of this to supporting, encouraging and helping this along.

Seeing the blowjob and then Paula spitting it out onto Heathers face was a real eye opening moment, since it marks such a clear and obvious change in her treatment, and acceptance, of what Heather really wants and needs while being a prisoner.  And that is after the muscle pinching pain, but there is a difference between pain and that sort of sexual humiliation and taunting!

Ordering her not to communicate at all, and with the possible punishment of weeks or even months of denial!  That seems almost to harsh a threat, especially for such an odd order, so I am with Paula in wondering what the point of all of that was, but the explanation, but even more, watching the others interact with their silent and refusing to recognise them prisoner really brought home the effectiveness of this order, and the point it was making to everyone.

Watching how they got increasingly frustrated with her, and the men especially were treating her much more like a sexy object than an equal, really showed the effectiveness of this rather strange yet simple order.  A clever idea, and it is working well!

Even her friend Maggie seems to be coming around, but obviously that is going to take longer to really happen.

Then we have the shop in the village, so many fun BDSM toys available and in stock, but much more than that, leather and metal workers are available?!  Is this just general world building, or is this a hint that such skills will be useful in the future, to move things forward a bit?

Finally I am left wondering how you have worked out where to take and end this, since we have now been told clearly that Heather wants and desires a 24/7 experience, and this is something that most people simply aren't interested in, understand, let alone able to provide.  So is he going to just let her go at the end?  Or is some other solution possible down the line?  Time will tell, and it will be interesting to see :)

Online bentbliss

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2024, 12:17:42 am »
As it develops, this social experiment gets more interesting.

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2024, 04:01:58 am »
feline, I just love reading your analysis.  You see things in my stories that I didn't see when I wrote them :-).

I think you give me more credit than I deserve for planning out the story line.  I rarely know where a story is going when I start it.  I know my motivation for this one - the Stanford Prison Experiments.  But I had no clue how the characters or plot would develop.  As I've said before, my stories write themselves, they just go where they are going to go.
But I do feel these characters are becoming more real, more fleshed out, even to me.
And I have to constantly go back and re-read what I wrote to try and minimize contradicting myself.

That said, I do know how it will end.  I have all but about the last 4 stories 'in the can' and to Teann and I've written those last 4 in my head.  Just got to get them into the keyboard.

Lars - thanks for your kind words as well.

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2024, 06:02:41 pm »
Another good chapter. I Check in every day to see if there's a new one. I like the setup where her friends see her more and more as an object instead of one of the group. Looking forward to the next release!

Offline Kinkykusco

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2024, 05:22:20 pm »
I've been thoroughly enjoying this story so far, and was happy to read you've got 25 chapters of it (but also don't want to wait!). 

You've done a good job with building up how the group is ok with Heather's transformation, the use of Stanford Prison Experiment psychology is nice, because I know there's realism in their behavior.  To fully round out the characters it would be nice to see some similar evolution in Heather- at the moment she's almost a BDSM Mary Sue, up for pretty extreme treatment at the drop of a hat for prolonged periods.  Which is fun and makes for a great story, but doesn't quite match with the super realistic portrayal of psychology you have going for the rest of her group. 

That's a pretty nitpicky bit though, the story is great, and plot/character wise way beyond most bdsm stories, including anything I could write.

There's a ton of fun directions you could take this one from here, I can think of some scenarios that would appeal to me but I trust whatever you've planned and written is going to be great, based on what you've published so far.  Thank you for sharing!

Offline Budman0_0

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Re: The Chateau by Budman
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2024, 05:00:12 am »
Thanks for the kind words and the suggestions.  I guess, as the author, I kind of viewed Heather as an Object too.  I don't think I explored her motivations or thoughts much at all.  You're right, I probably could have done more of that.


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