Dianag, I want to say "just don't interact with such walking piles of dung", but sadly life doesn't always give us that option. Still, rewarding bad behaviour, which some women seem more than happy to do, doesn't help.
I forgot to mention when commenting on the manual chapter, how interesting the toe switch was! Not from a technical point of view, since it is very simple, but the psychological aspects were amazing! Making sure that the chaste man has no idea what or why the triggers are, it really adds a massive additional aspect to the control.
Just finished part 6, the walk in the woods. This part really made me smile, since it was so loving, so romantic, so ruthlessly wicked and harsh, all at once! Control and authority coming from a place of very clear and very glowing love and devotion, from both parties. It does go to show how much guidance and information on being dominant, setting up expectations, and shaping the relationship to realise them matters, and the quality of the information and help is also, obviously, key to doing this well.
Leaving him secured to the pillar at the end, with instructions not to make a mess, particularly devistating, especially given who secured him in place! A really wonderful part that put a big smile on my face.