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Shameless self promotion dept: my first ebook now on Amazon

Started by Coppelia, November 19, 2022, 09:02:49 PM

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Don't even know if it is cool to do this, but since my book has dropped by over 150,000 (!) in Amazon rankings since *yesterday*, I thought I owed it to myself to do what I can to save it from total and utter oblivion.

So: if a novella- length (28,000 word) trawl through a future factory which takes nasty men in at one end and spits them out as bimbo Maidbots at the other sounds like it might be your thing, check out my author page for more info here:

The book is also available on Kindle Unlimited, so if you are a subscriber, you can read it for free. Enjoy (I hope...) ? :)
Ride Eternal, Shiny and Chrome!

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