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In the Grass by Zephyr

Started by teanndaorsa, July 04, 2020, 02:55:50 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
M+/f; M/f; bond; chain; sex; outdoors; public; exhib; rom; reluct; cons; X
M/f; rom; bond; cuffs; outdoors; exhib; naked; oral; predicament; cons; X
M/f; bond; gag; anal; public; exhib; quickie; tease; climax; rom; cons; XX
M/f; bond; outdoors; rope; gag; stretch; oral; nipple; clamps; pain; toys; predicament; tease; fantasy; rom; cons; XX
M/f; bond; stuck; college; collar; cuffs; bond; predicament; denial; sex; chain; climax; naked; nipple; cons; XX
M/f; rom; trick; cuffs; public; exhib; bond; anal; denial; insert; sex; vag; gag; sirik; handcuffs; leash; rope; spreader; machine; bedtie; spreadeagle; susp; whip; pain; toys; discovery; cons; X
M/f; roleplay; sex; ballgag; collar; cuffs; rope; spreader; bond; crop; outdoors; caught; denial; rough; strip; susp; torment; whip; cons; rom; XX
M/f; bond; roleplay; dream; sex; ballgag; breast; collar; hoist; spreader; susp; garage; challenge; naked; strip; tickle; torment; danger; cons; XX
M/f; F/f; roleplay; bond; sex; ballgag; breast; cuffs; dungeon; hoist; strappado; susp; garage; clamps; crop; machine; naked; pain; rom; rough; spank; torment; toys; cons; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


This story is a branch from "By Invitation" and the park events described at the start of this story occur in part three of that one. If you want background on Gina and her situation you're invited to read "By Invitation."
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


Quote from: Zephyr on July 06, 2020, 12:30:17 PM
This story is a branch from "By Invitation" and the park events described at the start of this story occur in part three of that one. If you want background on Gina and her situation you're invited to read "By Invitation."
I should really put that into the prologue of the story, shouldn't I.


Yes, please!

This story is a branch from "By Invitation" and the park events described at the start of this story occur in part three of that one but turn out different here. If you want background on Gina and how she got into that situation you're invited to read "By Invitation."
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


Enjoyed Chapter 2, more in the vein of Gina.  Loved how she couldn't wait for him to fuck her after he had tied her up exposed like that.  Keep up the good work.  8)




And the last part as well now.


Love Gina, hot, adventurous and into bondage, my kind of woman.  Very fun read.  8)


A return to the grass tonight, and closure! Enjoy...

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