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Hannah's Ponyboy by Painpony

Started by teanndaorsa, January 11, 2022, 10:52:35 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
F/m; F+/m; mpov; ponyboy; training; bodymod; permanent; cuffs; strip; collar; cage; gag; chastity; crop; enema; spandex; latex; tattoo; reluct; XXX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)



A beautiful story. As a submissive masochist, I would love it if in real life, men could become temporary or permanent human ponies. I'd love to be in a spiked chastity, vocal cords sliced like in the story, legally a beast, for my vanilla best friend. Using a pony cart would be convenient for her, esp. as a bicycle rickshaw for longer distance. It would be a positive dream to serve her like that. When will the Supreme Court allow true freedom of contract? Thankx for writing the story.


had to come on just to say how much I enjoyed this story.  The setup and everything were amazing!  While I would of preferred other things happening here and there the whole idea and the characters were really great.  Hope to see much more from you in the future!


I didn't like the story as much.

It's well written and all, it has some kinks I like, and some that just don't bother me.
But what I'm desperatly miss in this story is somebody I can lely to or identify myself as a dominant personality.

I have the same feeling with a lot of stories clearly written by subs so please don't feel singled out here. Especially in the noncon, doubtcon or tricked section. I get it some subs crave the harsh Master/Mistress experience and within some limits I enjoy giving it to my sub. But in this story the "dominants" aren't really dominants aren't they?, they come over as a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths feeding themselves of pure misery. I really can't rely to or identify with that... so yeah... as a dom... I'm out.

Just wanting to give some feedback why I abandon this story despite being well written and hitting some of my kinks.

Best regards,



Would love for the opportunity to message with the author

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