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Attack of the Arachno-Bots by Papa Palpatine

Started by teanndaorsa, September 01, 2021, 09:04:23 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
Other/f; mum; machine; spider; robot; cocoon; plastic; wrap; drug; abducted; nc; X
Sbf; mum; wrap; warehouse; machine; plastic; cocoon; mast; cons; X
Other/f+; mum; plastic; bond; kidnap; net; nc; X
Other/f+; mum; plastic; bond; kidnap; robot; drug; net; nc; X
Other/f+; mum; plastic; bond; kidnap; robot; drug; cons; nc; X
Other/f; bond; mum; plastic; wrap; spider; scifi; kidnap; robot; drug; mast; climax; nc; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


Good story! Hopefully we can see a sequel, giving the reason for the attacks, and what happens next?



Quote from: Orion on September 17, 2021, 06:43:12 AM
Good story! Hopefully we can see a sequel, giving the reason for the attacks, and what happens next?

Thanks, Glad you're enjoying the series.  :D I recently finished Part 4 and it should be in the queue soon.


I'm currently brainstorming Part 5, and hope to have it ready by the end of October or the early part of November.



My apologies for the delays, real life gets in the way sometimes. I just sent in Part 5 of the series and it should be on the site soon. Thanks again to all who are following this series.



I finally finished the series finale and sent it in last night. Again, apologies for the delay, and enjoy.



Hello, I wanted to give you some quick feedback. Please don't take any offense from what I write to you.  I found most of the story breathtakingly good, great ideas, I thought it was cool how detailed you described everything.  However, there was one thing that bothered me and that was the reason, I found the explanation with the body taking over and her dying as a result extremely strange and I personally would have preferred something different.  But otherwise it's still a great story. I'm looking forward to reading more stories from you in the future.

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