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The Gingerbread House by Darkwolf

Started by teanndaorsa, July 18, 2021, 10:46:36 AM

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Just done chapter 12. Jeez im so addicted to this story bro. I dont have the word to describe it what can i tell you is i loving this story. So nice,hot,romanctic,love and more. I kept imagine those scene in my head tho. I know the story is near the end and i wish it didnt but i'm happy and really appreciate for you to share this amazing story. Thank you author.


And the last 3 parts up tonight, enjoy!


This story, holy shit! One of the best I've read on this site. I wish this was novel length 😭


Noooo i dont want it to be end  :'(. Please there should be more. One of the best story i ever read.


So good! Although I am sad that it is over it was a fantastical journey and I am grateful it exists. Thnx Darkwolf


Thank you all so much for your kind words.  This is the first major project that I've worked on in many years and I have to admit to a certain amount of trepidation when I first began, especially given some of the twists and reveals I planned to include.  To hear that so many people have enjoyed it is perhaps the greatest compliment that I can ask for.

I too admit to a certain sadness to see the project end, but all stories do in time.  In truth, when tallied up the Gingerbread House comes out to a total of 329 single-spaced typed pages in Microsoft Word (at least on my computer it does), over 192,000 words, basically a novel in and of itself, and I feared that trying to push it much further would bloat the story and dilute its themes.

That being said, the story of Brianna Wilde is not done yet.  There will be more, someday, and I can only ask all of you to wait patiently.

Warmest regards,


In my humble opinion this story was a wonderful "coming of age cycle"
If Brianna has more stories to tell I will always be ready to hear them.
Given how excellent the spinoff with fetishhands turned out I could imagine many of those tales working better as self-contained stories.

(Now that I'm thinking about it, I would love a story about Brianna moving in with her mistresses.
How would the process of "claiming" a room look for her given that she needs more than just Latex and rope to wear and her parents might also like to visit etc.)

Thanks again.


The first of three side stories from the Gingerbread House world: Bloody Kiss, up tonight. Enjoy!


And the last, Chains of Ink up tonight (sorry for not announcing Turnabout earlier in the week)


(sorry for not announcing Turnabout earlier in the week)

We forgive you Teann  ;)

Looking forward to reading these two latest chapters.
The first one: "Bloody kiss" I felt was bloody great.

Okay I promise I will stop trying to be funny now


Quote from: teanndaorsa on October 15, 2021, 08:47:00 PM
And the last, Chains of Ink up tonight (sorry for not announcing Turnabout earlier in the week)
Just started with Chains of Ink - crazy hot. Guess I need to go back to the start...


Author's Note

I just realized that I did not make this clear in the text but Chains of Ink and Turnabout is Fair Play are connected stories, with Chains of Ink being the first part.  It is recommended to read them in that order as certain things might seem odd otherwise.

Sorry for the confusion.


Quote from: Darkwolf on October 21, 2021, 07:08:24 PM
Author's Note

I just realized that I did not make this clear in the text but Chains of Ink and Turnabout is Fair Play are connected stories, with Chains of Ink being the first part.  It is recommended to read them in that order as certain things might seem odd otherwise.

Sorry for the confusion.

I probably should have spotted that on the publishing read-through, I'll add a link to that effect in both the stories now.


And today we get the first chapter of a new tale Darkwolf has spun for us - enjoy!


Yesssss! I love this series! Really well written, lovely characters, and very very sexy!

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