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The Gingerbread House by Darkwolf

Started by teanndaorsa, July 18, 2021, 10:46:36 AM

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Part 6 up tonight - a return for Claudia!


I have seen plenty of good things about this but had been putting it off. I finally read the first 15 of the Gingerbread House and the first side story. Definitely has been fun to read and I plan to continue reading the rest and hope to be caught up before the next one comes out.

Thank you for sharing and I hope to see more.


I had seen the latest installment go up but life got in the way of reading it until now. 4 way relationships seem hard to me. Who to give attention to, who to be with etc. This chapter conveys a sense of how that could work. Also inspired me to plan a date night with the misses. So thank you for both


Sorcerer's Apprentice Part 7 up tonight, enjoy...


Just read part 7. Cant wait for the next part. Truthfully never bored read it. And please dont end this storiess. Cant wait for briana next adventure. Thank you for the update


Part 8 has gone up tonight folks...



Hello dear readers, this is Darkwolf the author of the various stories posted here.

I've posted in this thread a few times in the past though I have not been as attentive as I should have been in that regard and for that I do apologize.  The truth is I've been debating making this post for awhile now and even though I'm still a touch hesitant I feel that it needs to be done.

First and foremost I do want to thank everyone who has been so supportive over the last year or two that I have been writing.  While I have only a limited amount of experience as a writer I am truly grateful for all the kind words that have been shared.  However, and I do not wish this to come across as some sort of accusation, I have also noticed the amount of feedback steadily dropping in the last few months to the point where the last two chapters posted have not received a single reply.  I understand this to a point, I don't comment on everything myself and I realize that it can be a bit repetitive, but from the perspective of an author it is also a little disheartening.  I know I have taken my work in some odd directions at times, and I can certainly understand if not everyone likes what I have done.  That's completely normal.  However, feedback really is the lifeblood of an author and seeing the reactions of others is my real joy when it comes to creating.  It's also helped me shape my work, given me inspiration for new chapters, and pointed out things that could be improved.  As such, not knowing if people like or dislike or are even *reading* what I've written is difficult.

This is not some kind of ultimatum or anything.  I've got a healthy backlog of material that I will probably finish, but I also cannot help but feel my enthusiasm waning.  It's hard to produce works of which you are very proud and receive nothing but radio silence in return.  I mean, if no one's reading then what's the point?  I will probably finish the current story, but I had ideas for expanding it into a trilogy as well as outlines for additional short stories and tentative plans for a full scale side story.  Now though?  I don't know.  It's starting to feel pointless.

I do understand that my readers don't owe me anything, and again I don't want this to come across as some sort of accusation, but this is something I do for fun and hearing from readers is a big part of that enjoyment.  If not for feedback from my beta readers I probably would have thrown in the towel by now.

Again, I don't want to leave the impression that I'm angry or anything of that nature, this is just something I needed to get off my chest.


I'm sorry to hear your frustration. I am very much part of the problem. I have tried to be good at acknowledging new stories I have read and enjoyed but not so good at letting authors know I am still reading theirs. The amount of feedback I get in my own stories has pretty much died off so I very much understand.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I was a late comer to this series and was well behind. I still am a story or two behind but I have closed the gap because there is much to like about it. I love the characters including the side characters. They all are different and have aspects I really like about them. And for whatever reason in my own head, it is Claudia who seems to stand out when she is around. Because she isn't always around may be part of it but the other characters seem to liven up and the intimate interactions seem to as well.

That leads me to the other part that stands out of why I like reading your stories. You write the intimate scenes in a way I am unable to. The scenes are easy to imagine and come off quite sexy. It is something or at least it feels different from many others I have read in that they feel a bit sexier and flow more naturally to me.

I would considerate it a loss if you stopped writing or publishing but I genuinely understand your frustration and why you would. Hopefully things will improve so you desire to continue.

le Bouc

I specifically mention you in my 'Into' area and find it'd be a shame not to see where your character's end up. Your series and others were the inspirations for my own novella. As a novice erotica writer I see your point in receiving feedback, however one could consider that your works are good enough not to receive criticism (that or people are just busy post-pandemic). I have truly enjoyed your stories and hope you keep at it! Consider the lack of feedback a temporary drought and think of the lack of it as a positive considering the grand arc before readers pass judgement.

Happy writing!
Le Bouc
Use your time well, we're given only so much.


I sympathize with your concerns as to lack of feedback.  My suggestion is to add a view counter for how many times a story is opened.  Not perfect, but at least it gives the author some feel for interest in the material.  The larger sites like Literotica and the now defunct BDSMlibrary did this; it does provide a certain reward to see the numbers slowly climb month after month.

However, much as feedback is desirable, there is the larger question of "why write a story?"  I place all my stories in public domain because I don't write (fiction) to make money.  I am the classic amateur, in it purely for my own love of the written word.  Most of the time I receive no comments on my stories.  Disappointing?  Yes, but not to the point of going elsewhere.  I'm positive a few people do read the stories, and sometimes they make their way to other websites (I'm fine with that, it IS public domain).  So, in the end, ask yourself, do you write for the glory or for your own satisfaction?
  Jack Peacock
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide


Missed this last time, but part 10 is up to enjoy now!


After finally catching up through SA part 10, I am still enjoying the progression. The slow burn, as far as pacing compared to many stories I have read, works. Each of the four critical characters are unique, likeable, and pose different reasons to want to see more of them. Despite her lack of magical talent so far compared to the others, I still find Claudia the catalyst to the 4 of them. The magic is slowly developing as it is interwoven with the intimate games and normal daily life ensuring it isn't overwhelming while adding intrigue and differentiating it from other stories.

I look forward to the continuing growth and exploration in their relationship as well as their personal sides. I find myself musing about the misadventures that will happen down the road when Brianna moves in with Claudia during the school year.


Just wanted to stop by quickly to let everyone know that I do appreciate the words of encouragement.  It's been a rough couple of months overall and I guess things slowing down with my writing was getting to me.  Still, I'm glad to know that I do have an audience and that they seem to enjoy my mad ramblings.  Work has picked up again on newer chapters so I hope to have the current story finished relatively soon.

Thanks again everyone, I really am grateful.


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