Author Topic: One Door Opens, Another Closes by Jackie Rabbit  (Read 1978 times)

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One Door Opens, Another Closes by Jackie Rabbit
« on: May 08, 2021, 08:57:20 pm »
You can view the story here on the plaza:
M+/f; fpov; bond; cuffs; hood; susp; gag; wax; chain; naked; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)

Offline feline

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Re: One Door Opens, Another Closes by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2021, 03:59:13 pm »
Interesting, most interesting :)

I do enjoy the balance between blackmail, desire, forced and consenting here.  Clearly the current situation is forced, yet for all of this, there is a strong sense that this forced result is also desired and "comfortable", satisfying a deep need that is never going to go away.

We are very much dropped into the middle of things, but we see and learn enough to make sense of events, to have a sense of the world and our place in it.  I do wonder if this is where this will stop or if we will learn more of this woman and her experiences with time.

As always, your writing skill is very much on display :)

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Re: One Door Opens, Another Closes by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2021, 10:43:20 am »
Thank you very much, I am humbled.

 I love the dumped off and trapped feeling of the scene, and as our main character has done this to herself makes it all that much better for me. The wearing of almost nothing trashy one way trip of it excites me, and you just know that all this preparation is for SOMETHING, why else go through all the bother unless it was? Such actions set the mood for our main character and are like foreplay to her, she needs this part too for her to make all this work in her mind.

The brief fantasy of making a torturous snuff film for "that man" while kneeling in front of the green door hints at this, setting the one way, "I'm at his mercy" mindset that she has.

Our main character had been "discovered" in college, or perhaps groomed for such service since then might be a better way of putting it. I'm sure "that man" has video, and even still pictures that are hugely compromising, insuring she will do as told, when told; but she also gets something out of this too. That man knows she needs this kind of treatment, a part of her lives for it, the self destructive part.

I intend to have our main character again placed on display once trapped inside her heavy rough hewn display frame, she bouncing back and forth between the here and now, and earlier displays and exploits she has been compelled to participate in for "that man" over the years. I hope that part doesn't get too confusing, the jumping from one time to another, but I actually intend for this next chapter to be the last one with our main character getting outed and discovered for who she really is. She was a sometimes escort in college after all, and I wonder if her present husband, and her present circle of friends knows this?

I think it would be fun and ironic if her present husband had a double life as well, he going elsewhere while she was "traveling" for work and getting his own kinky fix, perhaps he not quite so vanilla and boring as she thinks, deep down. I already know how that's going to happen, but I don't want to spoil the surprise...

Thank you again for you kind words of motivation, Jackie.

Offline feline

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Re: One Door Opens, Another Closes by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2021, 11:31:59 am »
This does all sound deliciously wicked, and I do want to see some more character development here, since this is such an interesting setting and power dynamic.

The expectation that her social circle would be horrified by her kinky side, her husband especially, is obvious, but I do wonder if in the modern day setting, she will be surprised by how open and accepting people are.  She is an acomplished professional after all, so maybe not so far away from the old saying that "the rich are never crazy, they are just eccentric".  Power and success excuse so very much after all [:)]


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