I'm pretty sure this topic has come up before, a few years ago, but I'm happy to make a few comments again.
I have been writing for over 30 years, I actually started writing longhand, then gradually my typing skills improved. I think you have to first be a reader to be a writer. I'm an avid reader, always have been and it gives guidance, I think, with continuity, character development, plot lines, POV etc.
I love writing, simple as that, telling a story. I actually find writing easy and lots of fun. I'm no Dostoyevsky and that's not the point. You create some characters, find a plot, move it along, mix it up, you throw in a few red herrings, some table turning, some erotic scenes (isn't that why we enjoy it so much, let's not kid ourselves) whatever you like, you're in charge.
When I post it, I don't expect any comments back, it's nice when they come and I really appreciate that, but I don't get upset if there are none. I have done my story, I got a kick out of writing it, that's fine by me. If others like it, then great.
I got a few negative (anonymous, what else!) comments on Gagged Utopia but I just ignored them. An anonymous comment isn't worth a second's thought. Any comments I have received on Gromet have nearly always been supportive, but I don't check in every week to seek approbation. On the other hand I have commented on other people's stories, not many I admit, but I don't read that many other stories. Not many are to my 'specific tastes'(!).There are some authors that I like on this site and have made supportive comments in the past.
I'll carry on writing, because it's an enjoyable pastime.