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Rubberized by PonyB0t

Started by teanndaorsa, November 02, 2019, 05:02:01 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
Solo-M; latex; rubberdoll; transform; accident; reluct; X
MF; m2doll; doll; object; latex; anal; transform; scifi; cons; X
m2doll; M+/m; latex; doll; object; anal; oral; transform; scifi; reluct; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


Very interesting seeing a doll story with a male "victim" still keeping somewhat of his maleness. I'd love to see how Evan continues to explore his new self, and how he and Erika interact in his new suite.


I can't wait to see more of this story as well. A non dark male doll that keeps it mind is a nice read. To see how he now follows a path of exploring his body also to see if he keeps his job or to see what new jobs open up for him. Also that he has intress still in females and male or at least bottem play makes me very happy as well.


I'm glad you enjoyed it  ;D
I think there's too few male dolls out there. There's just something too fun about making a character that's feminized, but still distinctly a guy.
Future stories are on the way, as I hope to play with Evan's day to day life now that he's out on his own.


Loved both ch1 and 2. Its interesting because i have spent many nights fantasizing about a nearly identical story. Excited to read more from you  :)


Would be interesting to see futher parts.
Btw, what about legal issues? he is now part-property. Is is this mean some bad things for company (he wasn't agreed for this after all)
What legal rights such dolls have in this world?


Don't worry, there are more stories on the way. Chapter 3 is finished, and I've started on chapter 4. As well as another separate story. I'm really just having fun writing right now.

The legality of Even's new situation is kind of a tightrope to walk. I don't want to get too bogged down in legal jargon or pages of exposition, but the challenge is trying to make it easy for him to get into sexy predicaments while also not falling headlong into darker non-consensual scenarios. I want the story to stay relatively light and for characters to have fun.

If the characters are enjoying themselves, then I enjoy writing about them, and hopefully people enjoy reading about them.



Still doing any writing ponyb0t? I still am excited to read more!  :P what was the other story you started?


Yup! I'm still writing, I just slowed down over the holidays. Part 4 of Evan's journey is on the way.

The other story is going to be sort of victorian themed sci-fi with lots of latex. Less dolls, but they'll still be around. It will probably be more suited for I think. Though for the sake of keeping the thread on topic, I'll hold off on details.


Quote from: PonyB0t on January 22, 2020, 02:13:17 AMYup! I'm still writing, I just slowed down over the holidays. Part 4 of Evan's journey is on the way.
Hope it will finally arrive soon...

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