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New Owner

Started by Gromet, October 22, 2019, 11:55:10 PM

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I'm pleased to announce that Teann will be taking over the running of the plaza, Teann has previously generously offered to help with the redesign of the plaza and has also written stories for the plaza. Teann has plenty of experience as a web developer, so please welcome her to the plaza.  ;D



Thank you for stepping up and taking over!



Quote from: rmcingle on October 23, 2019, 06:22:06 AM

Thank you for stepping up and taking over!


I'm joining in, in saying welcome.  ;D


<waves to all>

Thank you to Gromet, for having confidence in me to take things over, and for putting in so much effort over the years to make this place what it is. Most folks probably aren't aware of me as I have been rather quiet here until now, but I'll put up a proper introduction post in the next day or two, once I've sorted through some stuff.

In the near term you can expect using my new found power to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and to hear the lamentation of their women/men/rubber slaves pretty much no changes at all. :P While I've some ideas about what to do with the site in the longer term, I'm not intending any major shifts in direction. There'll be some faff involved in transferring the site over, then I'll be able to make a start on the story queue and get some lovely new tales into everyone's eager hands.


loras pa6

Welcome to the helm moi capitan!

Gromet; thank you for your many years of dedication to this site and our stories, I hope you will still be around to be a part of this community you have founded even if you are stepping away from the management of it.


A really big Thank You Gromet. You've given many of us enjoyment over the years. i hope that we will continue to "see" you here.

A big welcome to Teann as well. You have some big shoes to fill, but I'm confident you can do so. Best wishes to both of you.

Gromet, think it's about time for a nice long cruise.


Thanks everyone, Teann will make a very good replacement for me, so please welcome her.

@ Dianag: No cruises for me, bought this instead...


Welcome to the helm of the ship Teann. I'm sure you'll settle in and do fine. I'm glad to hear that the Plaza will continue running.


Teann, Welcome to the MadHouse! sounds like you already know what you are in for!

Gromet, looks like you have that retirement idea well sorted out with that rig, PLEASE DON'T BE A STRANGER!  I do wish you Safe Travels wherever the road may take you.

I also know I speak for more than just myself when I say Thank You for All the Years of Blood Sweat and Tears You have given to this "Hobby" that started back in what 1997!!! I imagine there is a story or two that would be interesting to hear of the behind the scenes during all that time ;)

Thank You Thank You Thank You


Trash girl

Teaann welcome as new boss of gromet plaza hope to see lots of updats and news

also Gromet hope you won't leave for good


Thanks for the years of running this place Gromet, and welcome and good luck to Teann.

Also, I hope you still enjoy writing some stories Gromet so we'll still see your name popping up


Woot! Thanks for taking it on Teann!

And thank you, Gromet, for keeping this space running for so many years. It has been quite important to me for a number of reasons. Safe and wondrous travels!


First I would like to say Gromet thank you for all your years of keeping this site going.

Second I would like to say Teann I would like to welcome you and your gentle mercies.

Lastly despite Gormet handing over control to the site to a new handler/owner are you still going to be writing stories?

Steve Spandex

Teann Daorsa? I believe that's Scottish Gaelic for "Tight Bondage".


A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?
There is no cure for Merinthophilia. Once you've got it, you're stuck with it for life.


Yes I'll write more stories in the future and they will be posted here.

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