Author Topic: Story help (opinions, suggestions) wanted  (Read 5183 times)

Offline Zephyr

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Story help (opinions, suggestions) wanted
« on: September 13, 2019, 07:40:09 am »
I have an upcoming story (tentative title: "The Promise") where a college sorority member has done something and her punishment is she must do everything that everyone tells her for four hours. She gets to pick a guy she knows but has never kissed who will be told her condition and where to find her. If she doesn't obey perfectly, including the guy, she gets kicked out of the sorority.

I like my stories to at worst be plausible and I can't figure out what she did to get this punishment. It wasn't drugs. A perfect reason would be sort of a "the punishment fits the crime" sort of thing but that's not required. She's basically a good girl but she drinks like most people at a college at that age.  I had dodged that question in the story but to myself thought she was caught masturbating, but even that, realistically, who would care? It's not a religious sorority or anything like that. If you have any thoughts/ideas I'd be grateful to hear them!

Thank you,

The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.

Offline SwitchMan

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Re: Story help (opinions, suggestions) wanted
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2019, 02:55:16 pm »

Here's one suggestion:

One night while out drinking with her sorority sisters, she notices a pair of handcuffs in the purse of one of her sorority sisters.  Having had too much to drink, she might have surprised the sorority sister and slapped the cuffs on her without permission.  She might also have refused to let the sorority sister loose after being asked several times.  The punishment, therefore, might involve doing as you are told and/or bondage to fit the infraction.

Just a thought...


Offline Zephyr

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Re: Story help (opinions, suggestions) wanted
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2019, 05:50:28 am »
Wow Thank you, I love it!
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


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