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New feature! eBooks of Plaza stories

Started by webnik, April 03, 2019, 05:19:36 PM

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What do you read most of your eBooks using?

Amazon Kindle ereader or Kindle app
10 (27%)
Other ereader device (Kobo, Nook, etc)
4 (10.8%)
Other app on phone or computer
11 (29.7%)
I don't read eBooks
12 (32.4%)
What is an eBook??
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 37


The "ebook download" icons on the Plaza search page should now be working?  :)
Epub format only, no mobi format for Kindle users yet. Sorry.

It will build you a custom ebook of up to 100 stories from your search results. The ebook title/subtitle are fixed for now, but the next job is to allow users to edit that text to whatever they like.

Please let me know how you get on trying it.


just tried this, did a search and parred it down to 41 stories, so i clicked on the download ebook icon, downloaded file, when i went to open in win10 just says cant open, in the chrome ext for epubs i got this error " Unfortunately an unexpected error occurred opening the ebook. Please send the following error message to Thanks!: prepare 5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of undefined"

let me know if i can help test any further.



It's working great for me - I love it! Unfortunately, I can't search on the tag "stories Shok really liked" but I'm working around that.

Being naturally vain, I made a book of my own stories as a test; and being unsupervised around Photoshop, I ended up making a book cover for it!



So the question is this . . .

Gromets Plaza has permission to use the stories submitted for the website. That doesn't mean there is permission to upload stories to an online downloadable entity. This seems a trifle presumptuous to just create a load of downloadable stories.

I didn't see a poll for the writers asking if they were okay with this idea.


The ebooks are meant for personal use only and should not be posted anywhere else without the authors permission. They can be read on ebook readers like kindle I believe. It was just an easy means of viewing the stories and not something to allow them to be posted anywhere online.


Hi Gromet.
Thanks for the clarification.
Emma x


Is it still possible to download books to Kindle to read offline?


I'm afraid not, the functionality that supports it didn't survive a security update to the server software, and it's not trivial to resurrect.


Too bad. It would be nice to be able to read it offline.


Okay, so the ebooks feature has been resurrected. It's still got a bunch of issues, depending on which stories you download, but it should be back to as capable as it was before.

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