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Started by Steve Spandex, February 07, 2016, 06:58:09 AM

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In the last couple of years on this forum, a member reported books on Amazon Kindle that were blatantly copied from stories on line just with a few details changed. They were removed after a number of complaints were sent to Amazon.

I remarked at the time that the internet is rife with this deplorable behavior and it is not just books. We all need to keep an eye out and help to protect our writers.


  I have often wondered how widespread plagiarism is on the internet.  I post my stories in the probably naive assumption that people are just going to read them and hopefully enjoy them, not steal them and take credit.  I find writing hard work and spend put a lot of effort into it so it really pissed me off to hear about this incident.  Using prescription drugs as an excuse seems a little lame.  Despite not realizing what she was doing because of the medication she still managed to copy, edit and re-post the story.  It doesn't sound like the drugs were messing her up too badly.

Steve Spandex

I suppose that as soon as any of us publishes a story on the internet, we immediately leave ourselves open to this kind of thing. The only way to completely avoid our work being plagiarised is to never publish anything, and if we all took that stance, there would be no Gromets Plaza, or anywhere else to read the fantastic stories we all enjoy.

I imagine that theft of this kind is fairly rife. I only found out about my stories turning up in disguise elsewhere because someone recognised the story as being almost identical to mine and remembered where they'd read it. If you give the stolen story a new title, change the character names, and tweek certain details, how many people are going to know? And even if a story does look a bit familiar, unless you remember the original author's name, you might just think that author publishes his/her stories on more than one site for maximum exposure. And if you can't remember the original author's name, how are you going to let them know about it?

I'm not going to get paranoid about this, however. If I find out about any more of my stories credited to other writers, I'll do my best to get them removed. But I'm not going to waste valauble time (that could be better used concocting new stories) scrutinising the 'net for them. 

And I agree completely with Maid2btied's thinking on the drugs excuse. Even I have to admit that the stolen story had been quite cleverly manipulated,  and didn't seem like the work of someone out of their brain on chemical substances, prescription or otherwise.
There is no cure for Merinthophilia. Once you've got it, you're stuck with it for life.

Daffy Duck

It happened to me !

A, now former, member of this community posted a story on the Plaza, which was too remarkably close in theme to be his original work. It was not a word for word copy, but the storyline was the same.

I wrote to him to say this was not acceptable, and all I got in return was swear words and insults.

As a moderator, I locked the story preventing it from being updated. He deleted it. Then he reposted it. So I deleted it. He has now decided to resign his membership. No loss there !

Plagiarism does not have to be an exact copy. If you look in Gromet's Writer's Guide (front page of the Plaza) it also includes story ideas. I accept some times it might be innocent, but if it is, then at least apologise if it was a misunderstanding, but his reactions point to the fact it was wholly deliberate.

Feel free to report such matters to me, Lobo, Trish or Gromet.

There are rules on this website. Let's play nicely and fairly with one another.


Trash girl

Well said daffy if i see something like that you can be sure you or the other's heae from me

Steve Spandex

As I said above Daffy, I think this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there is a huge amount of this type of theft happening out there.

We all need to be extra vigilant

There is no cure for Merinthophilia. Once you've got it, you're stuck with it for life.

Daffy Duck

Thanks Trash Girl and Steve for your support.

I received some more thoughts from another helpful source, which, without revealing his name, I shall share with you, as his point is also most valid.

He pointed out that we should not feel guilty to report or take action. If we don't, we are condoning this type of action, and that sends the wrong message and could encourage others to plagiarise stuff. The Plaza has hundreds of authors, all of whom would hate this to happen to them. After all, having thought of a story and taken the trouble to research it, draft and redraft it, and submit it; it is not unreasonable to expect our work to be kept safe.

Finally for those thinking of copying someone else's hard work, remember you are likely to upset quite a few of us big time. And it could cost you dear.  You will be found out. And action will be taken against you.



I completely understand the anger of authors who have had their hard work stolen, it's a wrong that should be recognized and corrected. I just hope we don't overreact and quash inspiration.

I have a story on the Plaza that has original characters, but the 'idea' for the story came from a popular 1960's television show, so is it plagiarism? In the strict definition, yes. I'll be the first to admit I am motivated by the many great writers at the Plaza. One of my stories, 'Surprise Inspection', was inspired by the trash stories by Daffy Duck. My intent was not to copy, but to create an original story based on my interpretation of his excellent work. I hope Daffy is not offended.


Steve Spandex

If we all worried about where our ideas came from every time we wrote, then nothing would ever get written or published. We're all influenced by the books we read, the films and TV we watch etc., and no doubt some elements stick in our minds and get used in our stories, even if we can't consciously recall where we first got the idea from.  I think this is fine, provided we don't take a complete story plot from somewhere else and use it in its entireity. If you just take one element from a much longer story and slip it in alongside your own ideas, then I don't see that as being too much of a problem.

The Plaza is, by its very nature, a specialist interest site, so you're bound (pun definitely intended) to have similar aspects crop up time after time.

Another thought for you Daffy. Although the person who stole your story is no longer on the Plaza, be aware that he may have changed the title, used another pen name, and posted it on another site.  That's what happened with my story that was plagiarised.

There is no cure for Merinthophilia. Once you've got it, you're stuck with it for life.

Daffy Duck

It is very honest of Fordman to say that; and I admire his honesty.

As I have never seen "Surprise Inspection", and it is not listed on this site; I am unable to comment on how I feel for I don't know what has been written.

In general, I know that 'copying is the greatest form of flattery' but plagiarism is a breach of copywrite; as all stories on this site are protected by copywrite.

Is taking inspiration the same as plagiarism ?  That depends. If you wrote about garbage trucks, it is not, because @ 75% of trashcan stories have one. However, if you read a story where the hero escapes compaction by turning the garbage truck over on its roof; then it might be a bit much to write your own story and use the same means of escape, because that is clearly copying someone else's idea.  Rest assured the amount of copying involved in the complaint of mine, is not just the same ending, it was the whole theme of the story, which was copied, just with some minor tweaks.

As for Steve's point about name changes and other sites: Maybe I am incorrect, but I think Gromet is able to see whether two or more names have the same IP address. This could highlight someone re-joining under another name. As for other sites, we can only really monitor this one. It is up to the other site(s) to have their own monitors. But there is no reason why we cannot bring a problem to their attention if they had not spotted it - just like you did Steve.

When in doubt, Fordman, I think Gromet's suggestion in the Writer's Guide is a good yardstick - if in doubt contact the original author who inspired you and have a chat before committing fingers to the keyboard. If the original author is happy, no harm done. If the original author is unhappy, problem averted. The original author might not like you copying xyz, but have no problem with you copying abc. It is about communication. I think a large part of the problem is that people do it sneakily, and then it looks underhand, even if it was not intended as such.

Indeed, authors can even collaborate and bounce ideas of each other. I have some written stories this way.

Better to make a friend than an enemy.

I hope that helps.



I only submit stories to the Plaza. 'Surprise Inspection' can be found in the Packaged Section.

Trash girl

i just read your story fordman it was good bit confusing at the end but i liked it


Thank you Trash girl that was very kind.

Daffy Duck

Hi Fordman,

I have read "Surprise Inspection", and have no problem with its originality whatsoever. We are cool.

You might what to mention to Gromet that your name does not appear in the author's index. I tried looking for you under A (in case numbers were put at the beginning), Z (in case numbers were put at the end), F (for Fordman) and S (for sixty-four) - I gave up looking after that.....  The story title is not in the master story index either.




also listed under S = sixty-four  between Sixth Dragon & Sketch Zeppelin and also in the featured authors menu on the left hand side column.

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