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Main menu bug

Started by Tom, July 08, 2018, 08:49:40 AM

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I'm showing incorrect behaviour in the current release of Google Chrome running under the current release of Windows 10.
For people who aren't programmers, when a page loads, everything in it is marked as "clean", ie unaltered. One we the users start to do things with it, the things we change are marked as "dirty" and the entire page is "dirty" until the programmer's code decides otherwise.
The headache here is that the site's using a generic "dirty" flag on each link to a subpage. The first time you visit "Latex Stories", say, marks "Latex Stories" as "dirty" forever after, even when Gromet's added a new update.
The correct programming should mark each link to a subpage individually, so even if you've visited "Latex Stories" a thousand times before, when Gromet adds a new set of stories and updates the page, that link, and that link alone, starts as "clean" and therefore in bold, until I click on it.

loras pa6

I have the most recent Chrome and Win10 but I do not see this behavior at all

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