Halloween Specials > Halloween 10th Anniversary 2017

The Stone Basin Coven 2 by Loras Pa6


You can view the Halloween story here on the Special Edition 2017:

F/m; F+/m; costume; tunic; witches; demons; majick; battle; trick; spells; telepathy; mind-control; bodysuits; ceremony; bonding; vines; spreadeagle; rom; tease; sex; climax; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments, soul; body or mind & any feedback here too about this story.

Thanks   ;)

loras pa6:
I'm working on part 3, but I've realized where my mind is taking the story  it is losing some of the Bondage and Fetish aspects and turning more toward lore and Character development of an action-adventure romance.

Is there still interest in this story if the fetish content diminishes a bit?


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