Author Topic: Previous Newsletters.  (Read 17136 times)


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Previous Newsletters.
« on: April 06, 2017, 06:48:16 pm »
Here is the previous Newsletters...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 07:19:07 pm by ElectroPainLover »


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30.03.17 Newsletter
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2017, 07:19:56 pm »
Well, the long awaited ending of the Spring 2017 Story Contest has fallen upon us.

We would like to thank each and every one of the authors who entered the contest and those of you who took the time to read each entry and vote upon your favorite.

Lobe De la Sombra said it best in one of his posts when he said... "With the quality of the stories entered, I'd say the real winners are the readers."

A truer statement I could not fathom. And all who entered stories into the contest did it for the reader's enjoyment.

Congratulations to -- Lobo De La Sombra for taking First Place with his entry "Freedom".

                              ElectroPainLover for Second Place with his entry "What!?"

We would also like to thank; Eido - "Heartlocks"; Jimdini - "Captive of an Evil Queen"; and, fitzbe - "On the 29th"

They were all great stories and sure each made voting a difficult decision

Thank you to all participants -- Authors and Voters!


The Story Links are coming along. A slow process but progressing. If there are any authors who wish to have me fix their stories straight out, please PM me and I will work on them before working down the alphabet.

Over the many years, there are, of course, a few different formats the stories are posted in. Some of these are more difficult to work than others and become a speed bump in the process. I will be getting through them, especially as I continue to teach myself more in HTML.

Thank you all for your patients as the stories are being repaired.

Remember, if you wish to remove yourself from the mailing list and stop receiving this Newsletter, your can edit your preferences in Profile --> Modify Profile --> Notifications and remove the check in the box to receive newsletters and information.

Thank you and Regards,
The Plaza Forum Team.


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30.04.17 Newsletter
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2017, 06:57:23 am »
May 2017 Newsletter -- Gromet's Plaza Forum -- Issue 001

Happy May All.

First off, Gromet has done several updates in April. He's added 29 stories over the month for our enjoyment.

Latex Stories...........3
Pet & Pony Stories....4
Trashcan Stories......3
Doll Stories..............2
Machine Stories.......1
Selfbound Stories.....7
AltLycra Stories.......3

I would like to take this time to thank Gromet for the updates he's posted for our enjoyment and the authors for submitting them.

Story Re-Linking.

The re-linking of the stories in the section is coming along and will hopefully be finished in the next couple weeks. There have been some potholes along the way but I'm getting through them...almost a little quicker than I thought. The other sections will be worked on once I've finished the largest section on the Plaza. Thank you for your patients and please let me know if you find a story I've missed or simply doesn't seem correct. I only started adding the 'update' date about 1/3 of the way through. I'll go through and fix the update dates in the future.

A word from 64Fordman,

"There will be a picture caption contest during the month of May. Any member can participate, but I would like to see those who don’t consider themselves writers give it a try. You only have to write 1 sentence. Everyone can have some fun, and there will be prizes with multiple chances to win. Look for details in the official forum announcement in a few days. Hope to see you there."

Featured Author Interview -- Lobo De la Sombra

First off, let me introduce our first member to participate in our Monthly Author Interview for Gromet's monthly newsletter; Lobo De la Sombra. Not only being on of Gromet's Administrator's for Gromet's Plaza Forum, but, he is one of our most prolific authors here on Gromet's Plaza.

I would also like to mention that Lobo De la Sombra was the winner of the Spring 2017 Writing Contest with his entry "Freedom".

Hello, Lobo De la Sombra. How are you doing?
Doin' good.

Ok...let's get on with the interview so our members and your readers learn a little about you.

1) Knowing the Forum crashed on 23 December of 2015 and required all members to re-register, we would like to know how long you've been a member of Gromet's Plaza Forum prior to the crash.
I think I first joined the forum back in about 2004.  It was known as the Bound Forum back then.

2) How did you first find out about Gromet's?
I saw it posted on another site I'd sent a couple stories to.

3) What made you decide to start writing...especially in our field of 'kink'?
I'd been writing poems since high school.  Then I saw a site that allowed people to send in stories, so I decided to give it a shot.  I don't remember the name of the site, and it's been gone for a while now.

4) How long have you been writing?
Like I said, I've been writing poetry since high school.  I sent in my first adult story I think in about 2000.  I sent my first story to Gromet in 2001, and I've been going ever since.

5) Just how many stories do you have on Gromet's Plaza?
After I read this question, I had to go count them.  If you count different chapters as all part of the same story, I counted 192.

6) We know how diverse your writing many genres do you have stories posted under?

7) What is your favorite genre to pen works in?
I'd say either bondage or transformation.

8 ) Do you prefer to use a male or female protagonist?
I prefer to us a female protagonist.  As a man, using a female character makes for more of a challenge, getting the responses right, and I can only hope I'm doing a good job of it.  Also, to be honest, I do prefer imagining women in bondage.

9) Where do you come up with ideas for your stories...a random thought, something you see, something you read, etc.?
Ideas can come from anywhere.  I've written stories inspired by random thoughts, images or videos I've seen, plot lines from movies or shows.  I even have one inspired by one line from a song.

10) What would you consider to be your favorite story you have written for Gromet's Plaza?
It would have to be either Helen's Journey or Homecoming.

11) With so many stories written and genres covered, do you find it difficult to think of new stories?
More and more with each new story.

12) If so, have you thought about possibly expanding upon some of your stories previously published and thought complete?
I've revisited a couple of stories before, but many of my stories end in what I consider a good place, so I really don't want to push them any more.

13) Your writing style is very smooth and somewhat elegant, how much do you edit your works before offering them for Gromet to publish?
I write most of my stories in one sitting.  The program I use checks the spelling for me.  Once I'm done writing, I usually read back through it to make sure it's what I had in mind, then add it to the list of stories waiting to be sent.  Now and then, I'll see something on the read-through that I think could be better, but most generally, it's a one and done kind of thing.

14) Do you prefer to leave your stories somewhat 'open-ended' for a chance to revisit the characters later, or, do you prefer to 'tie them off' (pardon the pun)?
I like open-ended stories, at least to some extent.  I think a story is better if it ends leaving you room to imagine what happens next.

15) Do you have a prefered material for binding the characters in your stories or do you simply use what feels right for the moment?
It pretty much depends on the story.

Thank you Lobo de La Sombra for taking the time for the interview. I'm sure our readers will enjoy it and learning about your interests in writing.

Our next interview will feature one of our newest Authors -- Trash girl.
(I'm thinking of making the Newsletter Interview section a bi-monthly issuing as we have so many authors we would love to here from.)

If you have any ideas or information you would like to see or have put in to the Newsletter, please submit your idea in the 'Suggest Items for the Newsletter' section --> <-- or, for personal requests, PM ElectroPainLover through the Private Messaging System.

If you wish to remove your self from receiving the Newsletter, visit 'But I don't want to receive it' section --> <-- for instructions on how to opt out of Newsletters/Information.

The Plaza Forum Team.


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