Author Topic: voracious  (Read 4836 times)

Offline trash princess

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« on: February 07, 2017, 01:08:59 pm »

The Vora sits high in the trees, stalking her terrified prey. A small smile plays out across her face, a giddy excitement causing her to shiver. The air smells of that delicious human scent of flesh, sweat...
Adrenaline fueled fear.
That was always the best part, she thinks. The fear of her victim as he stumbles through the woods, desperate to escape a hunter that he cannot escape. For she is a Vora. The deadliest, most ravenous creature ever conceived.
And tonight she will feast well.

Down below, in the woods, the hapless victim tears through the brush, desperate to find civilization. The strange, beautiful woman had given him an ultimatum: escape the forest and he lives. But if she finds him, she will eat him whole.
He doesn't exactly like the idea of being eaten. Hence the desperation to flee.
Unbeknownst to him, however, the Vora had injected him with a special venom. See, Vora bites are HIGHLY venomous, though each Vora's venom has its own unique effect.
This particular Vora has a very special, and quite amusing venom. It breaks down her victims survival instinct, while elevating their arousal at the idea of being eaten alive. By the time she decides to seek her victim out, he's already looking for her, desperate to meet his fate.
And that's exactly what begins to happen. As the venom takes effect, the man slows to a stop, panting exhaustion. He can't understand...why does he feel so aroused? He looks around the woods, knowing he needs to run...but not feeling the need to. He sets out again, running at a light trot, no longer desperate but..confused.
He stops again and the source of his arousal shows herself. She was incredibly beautiful the first time he saw her and that hasn't changed. The woman, the Vora, approaches him with a seductive smile, swaying her hips hypnotically as she approaches.
"Do you give up?" She asks in her sultry voice and he shakes his head, backing away in fear.
"What...what have you done to me?"
The Vora smiles, leaning down and picking a small flower, twirling it in her fingers. "My venom is quite potent, isn't it? You can feel it?" Slowly she approaches him, backing him up against a tree. "The irresistible arousal that comes from my presence. You can't explain it. It goes beyond the desire for sex..." soon she's brought her face inches from his, whispering in his ear. "It's something...primal. a desire you can't explain as it's just far too crazy to imagine. You don't want to fuck you?"
The man gulps, shaking his head, well aware of how close those beautiful lips are...that strange desire comes back stronger and he pictures himself slipping past them, sliding down her throat...
"Then what do you want?" She asks, breaking him free from his fantasy.
"I..." He hesitates, unable to get it past his lips. "I want eat me."
She smiles and he relaxes at that confession, realizing that it IS WHAT he wants. Insane as it is it's the only thing that matters now.
The woman steps back, a wide grin on her face, her beautiful, tantalizing body slowly morphing, changing, until standing before him isn't a woman...but a serpent like creature, large enough to swallow him whole. He steps toward the creature, an almost reverent expression on his face. She reaches down, picking him up and sliding him into her large mouth, head first. He wiggles a little, trying to speed up the process
She swallows quickly and the man is no more.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 01:14:59 pm by femboy in a dumpster »
W...wait, don't throw me away! I'm your cute little femboy! Don't you wanna play with me?


B...but......*Slam.* oh. Okay.


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Re: voracious
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 01:28:29 pm »
Devoured/vore is not one of my preferred genre's, but, that story was Great Femboy! Wonderfully written and captivating. The progression and plot felt natural and flowed wonderfully.

Bravo! Great job!


Offline trash princess

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Re: voracious
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2017, 04:46:43 pm »
Thanks. ^-^ there's more where this came from. This was merely the intro to the series. When I can imma start on chapter 1 and post it here.
W...wait, don't throw me away! I'm your cute little femboy! Don't you wanna play with me?


B...but......*Slam.* oh. Okay.

Offline MaxRoper

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Re: voracious
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2017, 05:34:31 pm »
Good story Femboy. You got everything into a nice short package, just the way I like 'em. I look forward to your future efforts.

A suggestion: If you send your tales to Gromet, you have to wait a while to see them posted but they will be put in the Devoured section where they can be easily found in the future rather than buried in the Forum.

Anyway, thanks for a fun tale!


Offline trash princess

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Re: voracious
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2017, 08:35:54 pm »
Thanks for the tip, though I think I'd prefer to keep it here and let grommet put it up when/if he decides. I've noticed it takes him a while to respond to emails. Understandably, of course.

Anyway, imma post chapter 1 in a bit. Gotta write it up first. Lol.
W...wait, don't throw me away! I'm your cute little femboy! Don't you wanna play with me?


B...but......*Slam.* oh. Okay.

Offline trash princess

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Re: voracious
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2017, 01:09:46 pm »
Chapter 1

In all my years living amongst the human race I've noticed one thing.
They smell.
All of them, every last one, gives off that beautiful, delicious scent that humans have. The scent of flesh and blood, sweat and intoxicating.
My name is Elaine Rindhart. And I am a vora. A wolf amongst the many delicious sheep. An apex predator, hiding in plain sight as I live and work like any other human.
As a report for the tampa Tribune, I've got the perfect alias. Stalking my victims is easier when I can easily tell police I'm "covering a story". Sometimes they let me go, sometimes they interfere. I let them. Sure I could easily handle a small handful of humans with pea shooters, but I'm pretty sure the disappearance of several police officers would not go unnoticed. Subtly is the name of the game.
I return to my cubicle, pulling out my notes as I sit down. I'd been working on a report on a string of disappearances that had occurred within the past 2 weeks. One person every day. When I had first heard about this I had to fight back the laughter. Whoever this Vora is who's hunting in my territory is VERY inexperienced. I'm gonna have to deal with her. Hence why I took this story.
Not that I was getting anywhere. The police has no leads. Sure it doesn't help them that they have no idea what they're looking for, but for some reason I keep hitting the same road blocks that they are.
And it's really getting on my nerves.
I put my notes away with a sigh, deciding to go grab a cup of coffee. As I get up, however, a young man, clearly new. Runs right into me, spilling his own coffee all over me. Normally I'd brush it off, but today I am not in the mood.
He quickly learns this when I pin him, viciously, to the wall.
"You little runt. You just RUINED my new dress!"
He sputters out an apology, but I ignore him, relishing the look of terror on his face.
"You think I'm going to take that, new fish? I will fucking devour you..."
Suddenly, a pair of strong, firm hands gently take me by my shoulders, pulling me away. I growl low at new fish as the voice of the only human I respect speaks up.
"Elaine, my office. I think you need a break." The man turns to new fish. "And, uh, I wouldn't get on her bad side if I were you. She's not the kind of person you wanna piss off." With that, he gently guides me to his office and I sit down. "Okay Elaine, what's bugging you?"
I get up, going to the window as I try to calm myself down. "It's those damned disappearances. I KNOW another Vora is responsible, but...Marcus...I can't seem to get any leads."
Marcus gets up from his desk, approaching me from behind and I relax. His hands wrap around my waist and a sigh escapes my lips. Marcus is the only man I'd ever let touch me like this.
He's also the only human who knows what I am.
After all, he did see me devour someone who thought it would be wise to mug me.
Marcus had been pretty shocked and I had considered eating him too. But something held me back and I decided to spare him. Humans like him are so cute.
Tasty, but cute.
"What have you tried so far?" He asks, his lips inches from my neck.
"Everything I can think of. I've narrowed down her hunting grounds, I've interviewed members of the victims families...I've even put together a list of common traits amongst the victims. She doesn't seem to have a sexual preference, and the selection seems random." I pout, watching the cars drive by down below. "It doesn't help that I've never hunted another Vora before."
Marcus doesn't respond right away. Instead, he seems lost in thought. "When do the victims seem to disappear?"
I think a moment, recalling my notes. "Between 12 am and 3 am. And I know the general area that the victims are grabbed from. But that's it."
Marcus nods, and I can feel him smile. "What does that mean, then? Hmm?"
I close my eyes, thinking. What DOES it mean? her victim selection is random, and always takes place around the same area. "It means she's an opportunistic predator. She takes whatever she can get...and sets a trap for them, of course...then She takes them to wherever she eats her meal..."
Marcus chuckles, letting me go. "You should be a private investigator."
I smirk, turning to him as he returns to his desk. I approach him, swaying my hips seductively. I KNOW my human form is attractive. It's why I took this image.
Being a Vora just makes me even more intoxicating.
"Really? But wouldn't you be so lonely?" I shed my coat, revealing a skin tight shirt that leaves little too the imagination. I climb into his lap, straddling him. "All those lonely nights, rummaging through papers and reports, editing...without your beautiful, voluptuous maneating Vora mistress to keep you company."
Marcus moans softly, and I can clearly feel his bulge pressing up against my womanhood. His hands go to my waist and he kisses me. "You are such a tease." Suddenly he tilts his head, curious. "you know, I'm surprised you haven't eaten me yet. Seems you'd rather play with your food."
I chuckle, gently cupping his cheeks. "Everyone needs a pet. Even an edible one. But who knows...maybe when I get bored of you I'll devour you whole." I lean in, whispering in his ear. "I'll even let you choose the form you'd like me to use to do it."
A soft groan escapes his throat, betraying his arousal. He's literally the first human I've met who can be turned on by the idea of being eaten.
I'm startled out of my ruminations by a knock at the door. New fish pokes his head in the door, squeaking slightly in surprise at the sight of us.
"Um..Marcus...? Miss Williamson wanted me to remind you about your meeting at 7."
Marcus nods and I glance back at new fish, giving him my most seductive smile. "hey love, sorry about earlier. Why don't you come on in and join us?" New fish squeaks, giving some weak excuse I couldn't even hear then runs out. Smart boy. He was moments away from being eaten.
I return my attention to Marcus who is smirking at me.
"So, why, do you think, is this Vora so inexperienced?"
I shrug. "Why do I think that, or what's the reason for it?"
I sit up, stretching slightly as I think. "I'm not sure. I imagine she's pretty young. I'd say 3, maybe four months old."
"So she's still a child?"
I shake my head. "Nope. Vora childhood lasts a month. After that month we take on the form we like most and become adults. Take me for instance. I was born a little more than 12 years ago. But I've got the maturity of a 30 year old human."
Marcus nods in understanding. "So what are you going to do about this Vora? Tell the police?"
"The police?" I laugh at that. "And just GIVE this Vora a meal? No, she's invaded my hunting grounds. I'm gonna deal with this myself. Hmm...I could probably let myself fall into her trap. If she's so inexperienced she likely won't recognize another Vora until I change my form."
Marcus smiles, his hands exploring my lower back and ass. "Excellent. Seems you've got a game plan. Now, uh..." He looks down at my breasts before looking back up at me with a smirk. I giggle, getting the hint, and my shirt is immediately gone, revealing my perfect, medium sized breasts.
Time for a little fun.
Then later tonight...the feast of a lifetime
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 01:56:36 pm by femboy in a dumpster »
W...wait, don't throw me away! I'm your cute little femboy! Don't you wanna play with me?


B...but......*Slam.* oh. Okay.


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