I notice with the customers who see the woman and start to leave, the store clerk, who is off camera, talks to them. In this case it would be interesting to know what is being said as he must be explaining why she is there.
Also, it’s Italy. For a clue let’s look at a leisure activity. They have renaissance faires like every other country in the world, but Italian women aren’t satisfied sticking their head in a static pillory with a whole the size of Texas like in the States. This video shows the most popular attraction, for women, at the Italian events. Women line up for this as evidenced by the 1000’s of videos like this one all over the internet.
They say every Italian man with a wife also has a mistress. Maybe the husbands are too busy with their mistresses to take care of business at home and faire operators provide this as a public service, or Italian woman are just extra kinky and the men need an assist. I don’t know, but its hella fun to watch.