
Self-bondage is best when...

Simply restrained.
6 (37.5%)
Teased sporatically.
4 (25%)
Tortured sporatically.
1 (6.3%)
Teased the entire time.
2 (12.5%)
Tortured the entire time.
3 (18.8%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Author Topic: Self-bondage is best  (Read 6702 times)


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Self-bondage is best
« on: December 19, 2016, 07:15:01 pm »
Do you enjoy simply having to wait for the time of your release during self-bondage sessions or do you prefer to make the session more interesting? Frustrating more so? Painfully more so? I think anybody who has read of my mishap and self-bondage stories understand where I stand (or lay).
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 08:15:46 pm by ElectroPainLover »

Offline MaxRoper

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Re: Self-bondage is best
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2016, 07:08:24 pm »
I have no interest in pain, however frustration is definitely on the menu. I try to set my sessions up to get myself as close to the edge of orgasm as possible and maintain that edge for as long as possible. Sometimes I drift into a reverie, my private self-imposed bottom space. There doesn't seem to be a magic way to achieve that. It just happens sometimes. Those times are the best, however I've never had a "bad trip" of any kind. A day with bondage beats a day without.

Good question.



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Re: Self-bondage is best
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2016, 05:39:07 pm »
I believe most of our members who have read my posts understand that I am, undoubtedly, a masochist. I actually 'have' to be in some sort of pain in order to have things 'finish' properly. Sometimes I will simply sit and watch t.v. while my e-stim works at me without being bound.

When I am bound, I get bored very quickly if I am not experiencing some level of discomfort or pain.

Thanks for complimenting the question Max.



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