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Bound activities

Started by ElectroPainLover, December 19, 2016, 06:54:19 PM

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When bound by someone else, I like when they...

Leave me alone to struggle.
4 (33.3%)
Tease, but never satisfy me.
4 (33.3%)
Punish, but never satisfy me.
0 (0%)
Satisfy me after they finish teasing or punishing me.
2 (16.7%)
Give me all the attention I can stand, then some.
2 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12


How much attention do you wish for when bound by a partner? None? ...frustrating little? ...more than you hope? Just wondering.


I like to be frustrated for extended periods of time and able to be 'satisfied' at the end. Being tormented and teased off and on becomes a great mind-game after awhile, never quite knowing when it will end.



I'm definitely one who likes to be kept on edge for a long time. Whether or not it ends with release doesn't really matter and anyway should not be up to the victim.

Thanks for all the surveys and questions Dana. It's been much too quiet around here lately and you do a good job attempting to keep things interesting.

Does anyone know what's up with Gromet? It's been a couple weeks since the last post and I worry about him. Life would lose some or its luster without this place.


Quote from: MaxRoper on December 20, 2016, 07:30:13 PM
... anyway should not be up to the victim.

That is definitely a very good point and one that hadn't occurred to me when I voted/answered.

Quote from: MaxRoper on December 20, 2016, 07:30:13 PM
Thanks for all the surveys and questions Dana. It's been much too quiet around here lately and you do a good job attempting to keep things interesting.

You, and of course, all of our members are very welcome. I like to see involvement here in the Forum by our members. I am happy when I can ask questions and spark activity. Thank you for the compliment Max. Believe means a lot.

Quote from: MaxRoper on December 20, 2016, 07:30:13 PM
Does anyone know what's up with Gromet? It's been a couple weeks since the last post and I worry about him. Life would lose some or its luster without this place.

I have seen Gromet pop onto the Forum every couple of days since the 1st. He has a life that can keep him quite busy for extended periods of time and unable to focus much on the sites. Also...of course the Christmas season also comes into effect at this time of year and he, like most others, has to focus there as well. He is okay. Like I say, he has been around to check up on things. However, coding stories into an html format and getting them up on whichever site is up for an update takes time which he may not have much of right now. I can tell you that he feels bad when he cannot update regularly and, once time will allow, he will get stories up on the sites as quickly as he is able.



Im honestly of 2 minds. If I tie someone up, I 'do give them no end of attention.  Teasing, touching, punishment.  What ever the situation calls for. If I have a toy wrapped up in front of me, I plan to play with it,  of course.

On the other hand, being the one tied, I'd want to be teased to the edge then left to stew and struggle.


Hey Dana, thanks for the update on Gromet. As long as he wanders through the Forum now and then I know he's okay and that's all I'm worried about.



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