Author Topic: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit  (Read 6380 times)

Offline feline

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The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« on: December 23, 2015, 08:05:20 am »
Not the "proper" thread, but perhaps Gromet can update the story link, when spare time appears.  Given the forum has been wiped out, I sadly don't expect Gromet to have time for such niceties any time soon, a nasty business that! :-[

So, onto the story, to be found here:

I am curious to know how the comments were leaning, since the story ends with a question about which way to lean the follow up part.  Perhaps Jackie had read that and can fill us in?

I really enjoyed this story.  The start point was a little "odd", it just made me smile and roll my eyes, finding out that the inspector was holding a grudge against the rope company for the lost bet, and holding the quality of the rope against them, as if weaker rope would have made an escape so much easier?!  Really very silly, but exactly the sort of silly and emotional reaction and thinking that people are so very prone to, so while it was "odd" it was also really quite believable and real.

The setting and the adverts got my attention, sex sells, and here we are in a rope factory with a kinky lady...  yep, my interest has definitely been grabbed 8)

Looking back over events, having read the story, I can see just how well manipulated the whole situation was, but at the same time, given the absolute power the inspector holds, and the real and massive damage a recall, even an invalid and false one, would do to the company, the inspector held all of the cards.

Which begs the question, did she know anything about our saleswoman before approaching this company, or did she pick up on something and grab the opportunity when it presented its self?  To me, this manipulation, and the clear sense of planning and a direction from the first day, the first step, says that she knew exactly what she was up to, and thus knew enough of the key details about our saleswoman before she started all of this.

Given the saleswoman's history of playing with some of the workers, perhaps that is how the information leaked.  Probably not important in the grand scheme of things, but I am curious, and wonder if we will learn any more of the back story in the future.

I love the changing roles, and the emotions that go with these shifts and changes.  There is enough detail to keep this sharp and clear, I can picture things so well, but it's the wonderful feelings, the shifting power, the total control the "shy and innocent" inspector has, who reveals her knowledge and experience, but only once it is to late to stop her...

and even then slowly, making sure that the bondage and the erotic haze keep her toy placid and in place until it is far, FAR to late do do anything about it.

Jackie, this won't be any surprise, I want a happy follow up.  Playful sounds good, and is generally my preference.  It sort of depends on how playful you are thinking.  There is a sense of darkness that has slowly crept over this story as it has gone alone, that's part of its power, part of its emotional tone, but at the same time, the inspector has never really been cruel.  Mean certainly, but never to much, never going to far, and I don't really want to see her loose that quality, I want to keep the happy playfulness of this, while also taking advantage of the naughtiness of this situation, the inspector and at least one other, with their helpless and very willing toy...

Plus all the rope they could ever want...  yummy!  ;D

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2015, 02:00:23 pm »
Thank you Feline. The majority opinion was for the nice conclusion, but there was enough interest in the not so nice one that I intend to write that one as well. I well suspected that you would prefer the nice one, but it should be interesting to see which gets more reads/comments.

I had intended the government inspector's logic to be slightly suspect, it works with either ending, she having an at most petty motivation if we are to believe her story. At the same time our main character is all but giftwrapping herself for a woman she hardly knows, clearly not the best of plans. Ms. Becket plays our main character perfectly though, offering and taking away over and over again that which such helpless restraint demands, all to prove nothing more than such things will only happen when Ms. Becket allows them to?

I also intend to fill in the back story about Ms. Becket in the conclusion, I couldn't do it well before because our main character is telling the story, and she doesn't know it either yet.

Thank you again for your kind words and inspiration, Jackie.

Offline feline

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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2015, 06:02:42 am »
In general I much prefer nice over not so nice, but here I find myself somewhat undecided.  A part of what is so enjoyable about this story is the way it shifts and changes, the move from, what I wrongly took to be a young and innocent inspector into, well, at the very least a deeply experienced and well prepared bondage lover, and quite possibly something even more impressive.

There is that line about "you will never see me here again", it struck me when I read it, and it strikes me again thinking back on the story.  There is more than one way of taking that statement, more than one way of making that happen...  either lady can disappear from the factory to make this happen.

Now our saleslady certainly threw herself at the inspector, offered herself up on a plate, no question about it, and no holds bared, but still, she did not know what she was getting into when she did this.

All in all I am curious to see both endings, and see what I make of them, this will be something fun to look forward to I feel :)

Offline MaxRoper

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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2016, 05:52:32 pm »
When this was first posted (before the death of the Lost Forum) I voted for "nice". In retrospect I'm very interested in seeing both versions.

A rope factory would definitely be an interesting place to work for someone with our hobbies and there's a lot of backstory available here if you wish to fill it in. I'm eager to see where you go with this.


Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2016, 09:48:01 am »
Thank you Max, Gromet has both endings so it's all on him now. I've done two endings before, but I'm not sure if it's a good way to write or not, this an experiment of sorts. I will say that if there wasn't any interest in the not so nice one I wouldn't have done it though.

Working at a rope factory would be fun, especially in the quality control and product testing departments, but one could say the same for a duct tape or plastic wrap factory as well. What I could think to do with an unlimited supply of either is actually kind of scary.
I must say that I find this forum interaction as much fun as writing and reading the stories, everybody's thoughts and comments I think adding to the fun for me as well as providing a well appreciated education for myself.

Thank you again and happy new year, Jackie.

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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2016, 09:44:37 am »
You can view the story here on the plaza:
F/f; bond; rope; strip; spool; machine; factory; tease; torment; gag; denial; climax; cons; X

Part 2a: The Nice Conclusion
F/f; D/s; captive; bond; rope; spool; factory; transport; submission; femdom; enslave; cons; X

Part 2b: The Not So Nice Conclusion
F/f; FFM/f; entrap; captive; bond; rope; wrap; spool; espionage; imposter; cons/nc; X

Part 2c: Beckett Automation
F/f; FM+/f; entrap; captive; bond; rope; wrap; spool; transport; factory; machines; torment; float-tank; wetsuit; hood; sendep; mindcontrol; objectify; f2processor; cons/nc; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks  ;)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 09:52:34 am by Gromet »

Offline 64Fordman

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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2016, 10:48:34 pm »
Both endings are well written and enjoyable. Personally I could go with the nice ending and be completely satisfied with the story, but then you tease me with that there’s-much-more-to-tell comment at the conclusion of the not-so-nice ending. Now I think my reaction to more not-so-nice would be, nice!


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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2016, 03:37:45 am »
I don't know which I prefer.  Perhaps you do need to expand on the not so nice one as you suggested you might so I can make up my mind.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: The Johnson Rope Factory by Jackie Rabbit
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2016, 09:58:05 am »
Thank you Fordman and Maxine. Both endings are a one way trip, the one consented to, the other darker and not so much. I am writing the rest of that not so nice story now, but our main character is sufficiently intelligent to know that with the level of planning Ms. Becket has put into arranging her disappearance, she won't be coming back from it any time soon. Industrial theft is one thing, but kidnapping quite another, the apparent crime not equal to the consequences if caught, leaving one to wonder about Ms. Becket's sanity, and /or true motivations. Perhaps in the end Ms. Becket is a fellow machine lover without the constraints of a budget, nor any pesky moral codes or human empathy to limit her actions. There are of course other possibilities, but I don't want to give the story away.

Thank you again for your kind words and interest, and I apologize for the slow response, but I had some computer problems on this end, Jackie. 


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