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Forgotten Lessons by ElectroPainLover

Started by Gromet, November 11, 2016, 05:22:02 AM

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You may view this story here on the Plaza:
Sbm; F/m; D/s; caught; cuffs; straps; machine; cbt; denial; cuckold; naked; spank; pierce; nipple; torture; mast; sex; drug; gag; cons/nc; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks.   ;)


Well that SB session certainly went south, can't wait to see what you have for the contest.


Thanks Fordman. Yeah...Paul pushed his luck one too many times and came back to bite him. I doubt he'll be pressing his luck with Mistress Lisa anytime soon.



Quote from: 64Fordman on November 12, 2016, 05:20:22 AM
...can't wait to see what you have for the contest.

I would've like to use this one for the contest Fordman...but I couldn't see where I could pull 2,000 words out of it to get it under the 6,000 word limit for contests.


loras pa6

Great story Dana, I was surprised she didn't torment him right up to her sister's return


Thanks Lora's Pa.

I kind of wanted to but, unfortunately, I came upon my somewhat self-imposed ~8,000 word limit too soon. I had originally started the story for the Fall Story Contest but, as contests have a 6,000 word limit, I couldn't widdle it down enough to qualify. I had intended to hold back on the antidote until at least the next day but I was too wordy at the of my writing quirks.

Thanks again for the compliment buddy. Mistress Laura my return someday in a multi-part story should Paul forget his previous lesson, or maybe, one of her own new slaves.



Just an interesting tidbit...

I watched a movie on Netflix not long ago --"The Tortured (2010)" -- in which the leading male character was a doctor and he used the same three shots on his victim that I had 'conjured' up for Mistress Laura to use on Kyle. No...I had never seen the movie before.


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