Author Topic: Trusty Lab Assistant by Carnaj  (Read 11556 times)

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Trusty Lab Assistant by Carnaj
« on: January 13, 2016, 03:12:51 pm »
Solo-M; shrink; chemicals; F/m; FM/m; FF/m; bag; hum; foot-fetish; bond; surgery; experiment; capture; torment; toy; insert; boots; cage; pet; reluct/nc; XX

Part 1: The Accident

It was my freshman year in High School; my 15th winter when my life and survival became someone else’s concern. Through no planning of my own, though because of my own carelessness I imagine, I lost my ability to decide things for myself. When I eat, and sleep, and even when I go to the bathroom is all at the whim of my keeper. It really isn’t such a horrible existence, but it can be trying and humiliating at times, and it is then when I wish it all would end. But it can’t, so fate has decided. So I go on, day after day, doing as I am told… evermore…

Why me, I don’t know. I was a good kid growing up, I like to think. I was happy at any rate, with parents who loved me and an older sister that did not treat me too bad. I suppose I was obnoxious from time to time, but who isn’t? In school, I got into my share of fights, and more than a little bit of trouble, but I also got good grades and even made the honor roll on occasion. I was fairly average looking, if not a little tall and lanky, with wavy brown hair and a strong aquiline nose (okay, it was big). I was not ugly by any means, though I was not in league with my sister either.

Christy was two years older than I was, and anyone who saw us side by side had trouble believing that she and I were related. She was five foot five (about a foot shorter than me), with sandy blonde hair, a pert little nose, and a body to die for. All of that, of course, made her one of the most popular girls in school with the boys. She was incredibly congenial, which made it hard for the other girls to dislike her. And she got almost straight A’s, that made her a role model for the teachers to brag about. She was a cheerleader, and an honor student, and just about perfect, excelling in everything she did…damn her.

Christy is not really to blame at all for my current predicament, except that I blame her for my somewhat rebellious nature from time to time. A man can only take so much comparison to his perfect sister before he snaps. Thus it was that when my English teacher was telling me how my older sister would have approached a certain writing assignment, I had to go and tell him “Well why don’t you go get her to write the F***ing paper for you then!”. Bad mistake on my part. It earned me two weeks of detention.

Now detention at my high school was not sitting after class with all the campus thugs for hours on end. Some teacher in the past thought it would be a good idea to have malcontents such as myself go out into the school and help clean, thus working off our punishment. I’m quite sure that all the teachers at the time thought that a grand idea and patted themselves on the back for weeks. My teachers took it in stride as a fact of life, and so I was assigned to help out in the Science Labs after school for two hours every night for two weeks.

My first scheduled night I arrived promptly after the last bell to Mr. McCormick’s room. He would best be described as the ‘Nutty Professor’, Fred MacMurray, not Eddie Murphy. He was an old man about twenty years past retirement, eccentric and forgetful, with wisps of gray thread where his hair used to be and a pair of glasses with lenses thick as the bottoms of Coke bottles. He was likable as hell though, which I imagine was the reason he was not yet out to pasture.

I found him sitting at his desk, shoving papers into an old battered brief case, preparing to leave. I introduced myself, and handed him my detention note, which he signed and put in his out box for pick up tomorrow. He then led me around the Science Class, explaining my duties and what was expected of me, babbling on about the weather and Physics as his mind wandered. Finally, he excused himself, explaining that he had a faculty meeting, and that his trusty lab assistant, Diane, whom he introduced, and who I already knew, would supervise me.

I had grown up with Diane. She lived two houses down from me, and we had played together when we were little. We had walked to school together almost every morning until she went on to Junior High School, leaving me in the Sixth grade as she was one year older. We had drifted apart then, as it was not cool for her to be seen with an elementary school baby like myself, and then an underclassman as I followed her to Junior High, and then High School. She was never mean to me, or rude in any real way, but she did not go out of her way to acknowledge me either. It was the way of life in school. She had her cliques and friends, and I had mine.

I said ‘Hi’ when Mr. McCormick introduced us, and she gave me a truly dazzling smile. I looked her up and down as the teacher explained to her why I was there, and I realized that I really had not noticed her for awhile. She was cute, with shoulder length brown hair and huge brown eyes. She did not wear much makeup; just a little lip gloss and pink polish on her finger and toe nails. Her body was well toned and shapely, and I remembered that she was on the girl’s soccer team in the spring. That day she was wearing a tight yellow top that accentuated her breasts nicely, a knee length skirt that hugged her hips and showed off her legs, and popular blue flat leather sandals with straps and buckles.

We both listened as Mr. McCormick rambled on for a bit, bustling about the room as he shoved more and more into his already bulging brief case. He was a character, to say the least, but likable, and I looked forward to taking his class the next semester. Suddenly, in a flurry, he glanced at the clock on the wall, bid a hasty farewell, and rushed out the door. Diane and I glanced at one another and burst out laughing.

We chatted for a bit, until Diane thought we had best get to work cleaning up. She continued talking to me as she straightened out the desks, telling me to tidy up the dozen workstations. I explained what I had said to my English teacher and she laughed, sympathetic, as she had gone through school in the shadow of her own sister, Pam, who was five years older than she was. Still, she thought I should be used to it by now. I explained that since Christy was only two years older than I that she was still fresh in the teacher’s minds, and there at school every day, so it was a little different was. She agreed, but still thought I should get over it, and she was probably right.

It was about an hour into my penance when it happened. Diane had settled at Mr. McCormick’s desk to grade some quizzes for him. I was watching her out of the corner of my eye, thinking how sexy she looked as she bounced one crossed leg, chewing on the eraser tip of her red pencil as she perused the papers before her. I was gathering beakers and bottles and vials into a plastic bin for washing, going from station to station down the line, my mind more on her than my work. I don’t know if it was my lack of concentration, or the mixture of chemical fumes, or what, but I felt dizzy and stumbled, falling face first into the bin of chemicals that shattered on impact, splashing me with a burning mixture of liquid and gaseous fumes. My upper body was soaked, and my eyes were burning. I felt my skin boiling and sizzling from some acid based compound.

I screamed.

It was a pathetic little shriek, reminding me of a mouse I heard once that had burned itself trying to squeeze past a hot radiator. I was on the ground, and couldn’t catch my breath to scream again, or call for help as I sucked in a lungful of the chemical fumes that were clouding around me. I tried to push up and away, but was too weak, I found, and my head was spinning like a top. I rolled over instead, splashing in the spilled chemicals, soaking my back as I gasped for breath. My body was in convulsions by then, and I felt my muscles cramping up which caused me no end of pain. I heard a ripping sound as I curled up in a fetal position, the left side of my brain slamming into the right with a jackhammer’s force and speed, an agonizing pain building in my head. My stomach churned and heaved, and my lunch was suddenly in my mouth and spewing into the huge puddle beneath me. I voided my bowels, and everything went black…

Diane told me later that I must have only been unconscious for a minute or two. I don’t know, but when I came to, I was hurting. I felt as though I had gone on a bender the night before. My head was spinning and my skin felt hot, like sunburn. I could not focus my eyes, which were puffy and tearing. I was weak and sickly and moaned for anyone in earshot who might take sympathy on me. I was laying on my back, half sticking out of a huge water (chemical) logged sheet that I must have pulled over me when I fell to the floor. In my current inebriated like state, I was seeing things that I thought surely could not be there. Hallucinations, borne of the best drugs that money could buy. I saw the melted remains of the plastic bin I had been carrying off to my right, the shattered remains of the beakers and vials littered about it. The chemicals had eaten a hole in its side, and looking at it made my stomach lurch again for some reason. It seemed odd and gargantuan as I lay there staring at it.

I tried to back away, realizing that I was too close to focus on it and it was messing with my head. I was weak though, and that little bit of movement winded me. Better to lay there until help arrived, and I remembered Diane then. She would help me. I called her name.


My voice was hoarse, and barely a whisper. She must have seen me fall though, or at least heard the commotion I thought. I waited, trying to focus on the still huge bin, and the gargantuan shards of broken glass… The towering walls of faded orange and brown that rose up around me. The garish light far above…

Where was I?


The ground began to tremble slightly as I heard something massive approaching. I shivered in a sudden panic, still unable to move or cry out, wondering what was coming. I tried to roll over again, but I was tangled in the huge blue sheet that covered my body and did little more than prop up on my elbows as a great shadow fell upon me. I craned my neck, trying to see just what was blocking the light, and my head started to spin again as little flecks of gray danced in my vision. At the time, I thought I was hallucinating, as I looked up and saw Diane standing over me. But not the gentle happy Diane that I had grown up with. Not my friend.

Diane was gigantic. I thought that the chemicals, and my position on the floor were playing with my vision. Diane appeared to tower above me, seemingly 100 feet tall (though she later figured the math and placed the relative size at about 60 feet). I stared in awe, my eyes travelling up her body from the flats of her sandals to the top of her head, soaking in every monstrous detail. Her toes were closest, just at the edge of the chemical pool that I was laying in. She was careful not to step in the liquid I noticed, and she shifted back as it continued to spread. I followed her legs as they rose like California Redwoods, disappearing into the folds of her skirt. I tilted my head back to see her stomach, then her breasts, which almost hid her face from my angle on the floor. I could not see her expression, as her head was silhouetted by the light overhead, and she held a chemical mask over her mouth against the fumes, but I could see her eyes, wide and sparkling.

She moved, and I screamed, my voice choking as I thought she might step on me. I closed my eyes and felt my bowels empty again as I waited to be crushed under her massive feet. Then I felt a torrent of water raining down upon me. It was like a waterfall, hitting with a destructive force that ripped and burned my skin with the force of its impact. I tried to open my eyes, and squinting, I saw the gigantic Diane spraying down the area with a hose from one of the workstations. She doused the area for what seemed several minutes, oblivious to my feeble cries of mercy, spraying the chemical spill towards a drain set in the floor several yards from where I lay.

I screamed, but my croaking voice was lost under the deluge. I felt my body shift and start to slide out from under the sheet, towards the drain as Diane bent lower to force the spill away. I was sliding along the cheap tile floor amidst the melted plastic and broken glass, just another bit of flotsam to be washed away into the sewers. I rolled over and over in the flood of water, bouncing along the metal grate, until I finally came to rest with the spray pounding down over me. I stared at the dark maw of the pipe beneath me, wondering what horrors awaited me down below, hoping I might drown before I had to find out.

And the water stopped…
I heard God then, her voice soft yet booming over me-

I started to giggle then, as the absurdity of it all washed over me. God was calling upon god…

Something hard pressed into my sides and I was screaming again. I was whisked up and away, into the air like a rocket, my body flying as something metallic swung me through the sky. I saw flashes of color; oranges and brown, a huge swath of blue splayed on the ground far below, then a splash of bright yellow before I was surrounded by steely gray and water was rushing past me again. I sputtered and gasped for breath, realizing that I must somehow be in one of the workstation sinks. My hands rested on the metal bars that pressed fiercely into my ribs, and I tried to no avail to pry them apart. I had regained some of my strength and voice, but I was still helpless as the water cascaded over me. I felt my body rotate from side to side, and after a few minutes, the torrent of water ceased.

I felt myself flying again, for a heartbeat, before I was dumped onto a smooth, cool surface. The metal bars soared away into the distance, and I recognized them as lab tongs as they vanished from my line of sight. I coughed, spitting water from my lungs as I struggled to regain some composure. My skin no longer burned, and my head had stopped spinning now that my body was clean and settled. I tried to regain my voice, clearing my throat as I rose to my hands and knees. I was still shaking as I looked about, trying to figure where I was, and saw God staring me in the face. Only God looked exactly like Diane…

I screamed again, and this time it sounded more like a mewling whimper. I skittered back as far as my jellied muscles would allow before they gave out and I cringed in terror as my gigantic friend stared at me. She was resting her chin on her arm, her big brown eyes wide, a look of astonishment on her suddenly terrifying face. She made no move towards me, nor barely moved at all as she watched me, only blinking automatically, and wrinkling her brow as she tried to puzzle out what had happened. I could feel her warm breath on my bare and sensitive skin.

“BILLY?” Her voice rolled over me in a wave and I clutched at my ears. It was deafening, like standing at the speakers at a rock concert.

“Diane!” I squealed, remembering the mouse again. “Please!”

She looked confused for a moment, then understood. When she spoke next, her voice was a soft whisper. “What happened? How…”

I looked at her stupidly, puny me staring at her God face. “I don’t know.” I whined, but I had an idea. Somehow I must have shrunk. Or maybe I was having the most vivid dream of my life. I thought whichever, that the mixture of chemicals that I had breathed in and splashed about my body had done this to me, and I told her so. She seemed a bit dubious, but the evidence, me, was right in front of her, so it did not take much to convince her that I was probably right. She stood upright then, and I felt my stomach twist as I watched her grow before me. She ran her hand through her short hair as she considered, and I saw her lips twist and curl as she thought what to do. She even went so far as to place one hand on her hip and scratch her head with the other. In the end she shrugged, then stared down at my naked body, laid out on the linoleum countertop of the workstation.

“I dunno…” She shrugged again. “This is way beyond me Billy. Maybe Mr. McCormick would have some answer, but I don’t have a clue as to how this happened.”

“I don’t care how it happened, Diane. I know how it happened. Change me back!” I screamed.

“AM I SPEAKING CHINESE?” she bellowed. “I DON’T KNOW HOW.” She must have realized that I was hurting as she lowered her voice again. “I’m sorry Billy. I don’t know what chemicals Mr. McCormick was using today, or how much of which you got on you. I doubt even he’ll know, but that’s our best hope right now. We should talk to him.”

“So go get him.” I demanded.

She sighed. “He had a faculty meeting, but that’s probably long over. I don’t have his home phone number. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!” I screamed.

“Yes…Tomorrow. I don’t know what else to do.”

“Fine.” I pouted, and plopped down on the cold countertop. She stared down at me, a smirk playing at her lips.

“I’m not leaving you here.”

“What?” I looked up, wondering what she was thinking.

“I can’t leave you here in the Science Lab all night. The janitor might sweep you out with the trash.” She giggled, and I got to my feet.

“What’s your bright idea then?”

“I’ll take you home with me.” A look of panic crossed her face then. “OH-MY-GOSH! WHAT ABOUT YOUR FOLKS?”

I cringed as her voice boomed again, and I screamed for her to tone it down.

“My parents are away for a couple weeks.” I explained. They were upstate, visiting my Aunt who just had a baby. They would be gone for ten more days at least, leaving me at the tender mercies of my sister. She would not realize I was gone for a week. Then I realized what Diane had said.

“I’m not going home with you. Your sister hates me. Imagine if she found me like this. Six inches tall and helpless. Jesus…She’d grind me into the carpet.”

“No she wouldn’t,” Diane giggled. “Pam just likes to tease. And she and my mom won’t even know you’re there. I’ll take care of you tonight, and tomorrow we can come in early and talk to Mr. McCormick.”

It sounded reasonable. At the time, however, I could hardly say that I was in a reasonable state of mind. I was on the verge of panic. I was sure that I was missing something. Diane’s sister hated me, ever since she babysat the two of us years ago. And her mother was no better. I am quite sure that given the opportunity, she would gladly beat my ass to whip me into shape. Imagine little six-inch me under her authority…I shudder to think of it.

“Okay…” I finally conceded. “Take me home.”

“Okay. Gimme a minute.”

In a flash Diane moved from my line of sight and I wondered briefly how something so big could move so fast. I realized that she was taking strides that were ten times my own, but her size was not impeded in the least. Size was apparently relative to speed somehow, but before long my mind was awhirl and I wished I had paid closer attention in my Physics class. Before long she returned, wearing her long overcoat and her purse looped over her shoulder.

“Pocket or purse?” she asked, and I looked at her in confusion. She scooped me up in the palm of her hand (I screamed again), and held me just below her face. I could feel her warm breath again as she spoke.

“I can’t very well carry you out of the school in my hand. Someone would see you. Do you want to ride in my pocket, or my purse?”

I stammered, lost in the warmth of her skin as I lay helpless in the palm of her hand. Something stirred between my legs at this new sensation, and my mind was mush. I looked up at this beautiful woman who held my body- my life- in her grip. I could not find my voice.

“Purse then.” She said it without a second thought, and before I knew it I was tumbling into the confines of her soft leather bag. I winced in pain as I bounced off her hairbrush, then settled to the bottom beside a tube of lipstick and a compact. I glanced about, surveying my domain, and found that I shared the space also with a packet of tissues, a nail file, a pen and address book, a sealed Kotex, a bag of sunflower seeds, and a ring of keys. I saw her face briefly as she peered down into the confines of her bag to check on me before folding the flap over and sealing me in. I heard her muffled voice as she told me to hang on, and suddenly we were moving.

Diane was a fast walker, and though I’m sure she was trying to take it easy on me, I was bumped and jostled like anything else in her bag. I thumped from side to side, getting friction burns on the coarse leather interior of her bag. I hurt intensely for a few seconds, but oddly, the pain passed quickly, replaced by another injury as she rounded a corner or repositioned her purse. I felt a blast of cold, which lasted several minutes as I realized that she was outside, heading for her car. Then I heard a new voice, calling her name. I felt the purse sway to a stop, and knew that Diane was talking to someone.

I took the opportunity of the calm and repositioned the tissues about me to add some protection to my buffeting about in her bag. I caught bits and pieces of her conversation, but was not sure what was happening until we started moving again, and her purse was dropped casually into her car.

I heard the engine start, and felt the new motion of the car as it backed out of its parking space. I crawled to the top of the bag and peered out, and quickly backed back into the bag. I saw two heads poking over the front seat.

I crouched in terror at the top edge of the bag, listening as Diane spoke to whoever was riding in the passenger seat.

“I really appreciate this, Diane. I’ll kill Steve when I get hold of him.”

“It’s okay, Kathy. No problem.”

I gazed up at the girl in the front passenger seat. It took me a moment to place the name with the oversized head of hair that I could see, but finally I realized that it was Kathy Byrnes, and my little heart melted. Kathy was a goddess in my eyes, the image of many of my fantasies. I wanted to run out and jump and shout to get her attention. I wanted to go to her home, not Diane’s. Then I remembered that I was small, and I realized that if she took me seriously, she would treat me like a toy, or a pet. I was crushed.

I sat there on the edge of Diane’s purse, listening to them gossip for the ten minute or so that it took to reach Kathy’s house. Apparently Steve, the school jock and her steady boyfriend, had ditched her after school and left her without a ride, the bastard. I wanted to kick his ass, but realized that at my size I could barely kick his pinky. We pulled into Kathy’s driveway, and she got out of the car, saying her ‘thankyous and good-byes’, and the car door slammed shut and she was gone. Diane peered back over the seat at me.

“Sorry about that. She was begging me for a ride home. I couldn’t say no.” She gave me a weak smile, and I waved it off.

“Just get me home.”

It was another fifteen minutes before we pulled into Diane’s drive and she told me to get back in the purse. I did as I was told, and was jostled about as she slung the bag over her shoulder and went into her house. I slammed up against the side of the bag, feeling her hip for a second before I fell away again. Her brush tumbled on top of me, and I was pushed up onto her lipstick. I heard her call out when we were inside the house, but heard no answer before she bounced me into her room and dumped me onto her bed.

I crawled out of Diane’s purse to find her hanging her long coat on a hook behind her door. I looked around the room and found it little changed from when I was last there years before. It was still in pastels; pink and blue, and rather plain. She had a nice desk and bed set, obviously too big for me, as well as a vanity and a matching nightstand. She had replaced a ballerina lamp on her nightstand with one a bit more adult, and the clown posters I remembered on her walls were now posters of current boy bands. A typical girl I thought as she hung up her coat then plopped onto the edge of the bed, giggling as I bounced.

“Sorry.” she said, but I did not believe she really was. I stood up.

“So what happens now?” I asked. She shrugged.

“I dunno. I guess we wait until tomorrow. We’ll go in early and talk to Mr. McCormick.”

I watched as she bent over and undid the buckles on her sandals, sliding her feet free and dropping the shoes onto the floor. She settled back onto the bed, her back against the headboard, stretching her legs out and crossing her ankles. She looked down at me, a little smile playing on her lips.
“Hungry?” she asked, and I nodded.

“A little, I guess.” She sniggered, but I missed the joke.

“Okay.” She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, towering over me. “I’ll go-“

“Pam! Diane! I’m home!”

We both paled as we heard the front door slam in another part of the house, and Diane’s mother calling out. I had no doubt that should Diane’s mother find me, she would find some cruel way to abuse me. She was a healthy woman, a little overweight and evil in my mind. I’ve seen her drag her dogs down the street, straining on their leashes, and I know she used to spank Diane for the slightest infraction. God knows what she might do to little, helpless me. I could see by the expression on Diane’s face that she knew it too.

“Well, so much for that idea. I better go out and keep her company so she doesn’t wander in here. I’ll bring you some food later, when I can.”

I plopped down on her bed, feeling dejected. “Great. What am I supposed to do ‘til you come back? You don’t even have a television.”

Diane glanced about the room, puzzled for a moment, then bent down by the foot of her bed.

“Here,” she said, tossing her sandals onto the bed beside where I sat. “You can play with my shoes until I come back. Clean ‘em up if you like. I’ll be back soon.”

And she was gone…

I sat there, staring at the blue leather of the sandals before me. I could see the imprints of her toes and heels on the insoles. I could smell her in the leather. Was she joking? Did she suspect? Did she know that I loved feet? I had thought of her that way before, when we were younger, but I could not remember ever sharing that with her. But here were her shoes, right in front of me. Bigger than me.
“Clean ‘em up…” she had said.

Slowly, I crawled forward…

It was several hours before Diane came back to her room. I looked up as the door opened, smelling of shoe leather and feet, my tongue dry and gritty. She smiled and came bounding in, plopping on the bed beside me and bouncing me into the air again.

“Sorry it took so long, Billy. I had to keep mom busy, then Pam came home and we ate. I just couldn’t get away until now.”

I looked at the clock on her nightstand, and it was after ten. I sighed.

“Did you bring me anything to eat?”

Diane had her sandals in her hands, looking them over and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye. She set the shoes on the floor, then dug into the pocket of her skirt.

“Yeah.” She tossed a half-eaten bag of peanuts onto the bed beside me.

“Sorry no real food. Mom was tired and dinner was next to nothing. And you know how Pam eats."

That was true. I remembered from the times when Pam sat Diane and me that Pam ate everything in sight. She stayed thin though, which was odd. I stared at the peanuts, and finally took one in both hands. One or two would make a meal for me. I nibbled at it as Diane got ready for bed.

She started to pull her shirt over her head, then hesitated when she noticed me watching.

“Hey. Turn around, you.”

“You’re kidding, right? I’ve seen you naked before.” And I had. We had played doctor a few times growing up.

She smirked, pulling her shirt back down and putting her hands on her hips. “That was years ago, Billy. I’ve changed some.”

“I know.” I said, wishing I had some water to wash down the peanut. “But it’s not like I’m not naked too.” I stood up, displaying my naked body for her scrutiny.

“That’s different. You’re…Well, I’m sorry, but you’re hardly normal right now. You’re like a doll. Anatomically correct, I suppose. But you don’t even seem real.”


“You know what I mean…”

“No, I don’t.” I snapped. “Just what do you mean?”

Diane sighed, watching me watching her. I could see that she was mentally wrestling with some inner turmoil, but I never expected that she would do what she did when she reached a decision. In a flash she reached down and snatched me up, her thumb and forefinger pressing into my ribs. Futilely I beat my puny fists against her fingers as she held me before her face. She was biting on her lower lip, her brows arched in sorrow or pity. She squeezed…

“STOP IT!” she said in her normal voice which rattled my body I was so close to her face. The pain in my ribs forced me to stop. Diane was hurting me, but she did not ease up the pressure. She squeezed until I was seeing stars, and those little exploding flecks of gray I loved so much. She was not even trying hard.

“Now do you know what I mean?” Her voice was a whisper again, but seemed almost normal to me. I whimpered in her grip as she squeezed her finger and thumb together, threatening to break me in half.

“You’re like a bug to me Billy. Not a real boy. You’re my friend, and I don’t want to hurt you, but you have to understand that at the moment, you’re nothing without me. I could squeeze my fingers together and pop you like a zit.”

I begged her to stop, and through a haze of pain I saw her frown. She loosened her grip, but kept me between her fingers.

“You listen to me Billy. Please. You need me. Imagine what my mother or Pam would do with a little boy like you.” She was still frowning, and seemed sorry, but I saw a twinkle in her eye as she thought about that. I shuddered, suddenly terrified for my life. “Shall I toss you out in the hall and find out?”

“No…” I whined. “Please, Diane. I’ll do whatever you say.”

She smirked. “Good.”

She tossed me onto her pillows, watching as I bounced and rolled onto the bed itself. “Now turn around and eat your peanuts like a good little boy while I get undressed. And no peeking.”

There was nothing I could do, but do as I was told.

In moments, Diane was dressed in an over-sized tee shirt that she wore as a nightgown. She said she would be back in a minute, and I should finish eating, so I did as she left the room, closing the door behind her. She was gone for awhile, and eventually I heard the far off familiar sound of a flushing toilet. This made me realize that I had to relieve myself as well. I looked about, wondering what to do. I dared not make a mess that she might find. God knows what she might do, now that I knew she had no qualms about punishing me. I was still considering when she returned, her face scrubbed and hair brushed out for bed.

She scooped up my peanut bag and saw that I had barely eaten three of the half bag she had given me. It was too much for my tiny body. She smiled down at me, dangling the bag over my head.

“All done, Billy?”

“Yes, Diane.” She was still speaking softly, but she was saying my name in a little singsong voice that she knew had irritated me when we were younger. It still grated on my nerves, but I tried to ignore it. “Diane… I have to go to the bathroom.”

Diane smirked, barely stifling a giggle. “Hmmn… I hadn’t thought of that. But I guess if you have to eat, it’s only logical that you’ll have to go. What to do?”

She glanced about the room, looking for something for me to go in, I assumed. Finally she went to a pile of clothes on the floor in the corner and produced a white knee sock. She held it up for my approval.

“Here we go.” She said, twirling the sock as she came back to the bed.

“You want me to go in your sock?” I said, unbelieving.

“Not in the way you think. I’ll take you to the bathroom, but I can’t just carry you. What if Pam or mom saw you? I’ll hide you in my sock, and they’ll think I’m just washing them out for school tomorrow. Brilliant, hunh?”

There was something wrong with her plan, but before I could reason it out, she had scooped me up and dropped me into the mouth of her tube sock. I slid down to the toe as she raised it up, and quickly started gagging from the smell. It was obviously one of her Gym socks, or one she wore in soccer practice, and from the odor, it must have been several days on that pile. It smelled of her feet. It reeked of her feet, and I could barely breathe. Worse, as she strolled leisurely to the bathroom, Diane was casually swinging the sock in a wide arch, which was helping to turn my stomach into knots. I tried to hold back the chunks of peanut I had just eaten; not wanting to vomit in her crusty sock, though I doubted she would notice.

Suddenly I was tumbling head over heels out of the sock as it was upended. I spilled out onto the slick counter top in the bathroom and continued to tumble, right into the sink. Thankfully the stopper was in the drain as I crashed to a stop on top of it. I moaned, rubbing my back and stomach as I looked up at Diane’s pretty, smiling face. She seemed to be enjoying this more and more.

“Okay…Go ahead. Make it quick.” She said this, then settled in to watch. I stared up at her, still lying in the bottom of the sink.

“I can’t go with you hovering over me like that.” I felt my whole body turn crimson, and I foolishly directed my hands to cover my privates.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No.” I blushed deeper, struggling to my feet while still trying to hide my manhood. I don’t know why that suddenly mattered, as she had seen it already, but it did. “Not with you watching.” I said it firmly, staring into her huge brown eyes, hoping that she might show me some of the sympathy she had shown before. Finally, she shrugged and turned away.

“Okay. That better?”

“Yes.” I answered, and turned my back to her. “Thank you.” I said pathetically, then concentrated on forcing myself to pee. It took an effort, and several minutes, and in the end barely a trickle emerged. My privates shriveled up like a prune when I was through, but I felt better. I turned around to tell her I was ready and found her looking at me with a grin.

“That was so cute. All better now?”

If I had not already been a mere six inches tall, I felt I would have shrunk away to nothing. I nodded, humiliated, and felt myself scooped up and swiftly wrapped in a terrycloth towel. It was hot, and I could barely breathe as she hugged the bundle of me to her body. I was moving again, and I figured she was returning to her bedroom, carrying me.

I was dumped onto the bed again when the towel was unrolled. I quickly tried to get my barings and saw Diane rummaging through her dresser drawers on the other side of the room. She glanced over and saw me watching, and gave me her dazzling smile again. She looked once more in the drawer, and apparently satisfied, came over and gently picked me up. She carried me to her dresser drawers in the palm of her hand.

“I’ve been thinking about where to put you for the night. It had to be someplace safe and warm. I thought about letting you sleep on the bed, but I might roll over and crush you. I thought that maybe I could make you a little bed in my nightstand, or in a shoebox, but then I figured a great place; nice and soft and warm…” She tilted her hand and I tumbled out. I did not fall far, and fell into a silky soft pile of fabric that could only be one thing.

“My panty drawer.”

Diane giggled as I tried to sit up in the soft, fluffy pile of her underwear. It was all clean, and for that I was glad, but it was still degrading, and I told her so.

“Diane…Please. This is humiliating.” She stared down at me, giving me a stern look.

“Oh, hush.” she said, her hand dipping into the drawer to hover over me. She extended a finger and gave me a poke, toppling me over with amazing ease. “You’ll be perfectly safe and have complete privacy once I close the drawer.”

“Close the drawer?”

“Of course. I can’t have you wandering off and getting hurt, or having mom or Pam find you. God, what if the cat got hold of you?”


“You remember Fluffy, don’t you?” I hadn’t, until she reminded me. I remembered a fat yellow nasty creature that always hissed at me whenever I came near. I shuddered. “Fluffy might think you were a mouse at your size and gobble you up.”

She giggled and I hung my head. It just got worse and worse. I felt the drawer start to slide closed and glanced up at Diane’s leering face, filling the dwindling sliver of light.

“Now you be good and sleep tight. I’ll wake you in the morning so we can go see Mr. McCormick. Nighty-night.”

The drawer slid shut and I was locked in a soft, suffocating darkness. With the drawer sealed, I started to smell the aroma of Diane’s personal things, still faintly scented with her body odors; sweat, perfume, her womanhood. Her underwear was not as clean as I had originally thought, or maybe at my size, it was just more overpowering. I tried to ignore the scent as I stumbled about in the dark, knee deep in her soft panties. I tried to somehow move the drawer, to slide it open again, but it was too big. Rather, I was too small. But not small enough as I tried to climb through the slight gap at the back of the drawer and found it too slim.

After some time I sank into my silky mattress, defeated. There was no way out of the drawer. I was just too small and helpless. I settled back, wrapping up in a pair of Diane’s cotton panties for warmth, and oddly, security. I prayed that night for the first time in probably a dozen years. Really prayed; that Mr. McCormick would be able to help me, and more importantly, that Diane would actually take me back to school to see him.

Sleep was a long time coming…

Part 2: ‘Doc’ Ellington

I woke to total darkness, breathing hard. A wave of panic washed over me as I tried to accustom my sight to the shadows and did not recognize my surroundings. I did not know where I was, and started to flail about, tangling myself in the blankets about me. I felt silk and cotton, and there was a strange, suffocating smell in the air. I called out for my father, my mother…

The earth moved and I tumbled back into the darkness. I thought it was an earthquake, and in my present state of disorienting panic, I screamed. I saw the roof of my room split, and a wide shaft of glaring light beamed down on me from the heavens. I started to remember where I was, and what had happened to me.

I had been shrunk. There had been an accident at school and a mixture of spilled chemicals had somehow combined to shrink me down to the size of a mouse. My friend, Diane, had been there, and took me home for the night in order to keep me safe until we could confront Mr. McCormick, the Science teacher with my condition. She had put me in her panty drawer for the night, for safekeeping.

I stared up into the blinding light, blinking away tears as my eyes adjusted. I wondered what time it was, and what was going on. It felt as though I had just fallen asleep. I was dead tired, but felt otherwise healed. I had been in a sorry state after the accident; sick and dizzy and weak, and my skin was burned and blistered. My body felt fine now though, and I wondered at the miraculous rate of healing as I ran a hand over my smooth, unmarred skin.

A shadow filled the bar of light, and I squinted to take in Diane’s gigantic, harried face as it filled my field of vision. She looked as out of it as I felt, as though she had just woke up. Her short hair was tousled and out of place. Sleep crusted in the corners of her huge brown eyes as she blinked at me. She had no makeup on, though I knew she wore little anyway, and I noticed that she had the cutest trail of faint freckles running from cheek to cheek, across her nose. She seemed out of sorts, but gave me a little smile as she saw that I was awake.

“WE”RE LATE.” Her voice boomed over me, and I winced in pain, covering my ears, though it was not as bad as it had been the day before. I assumed that I was getting used to my current state of being. I saw pity cross her features, and she spoke softly from then on.

“Sorry. I over slept. My alarm didn’t go off.”

Without warning or apology, Diane reached a massive hand into the drawer and scooped me out along with a pair of panties. She set us on the bed, then continued rummaging through her drawers, continuing to speak as she searched for clothes.

“We’ve gotta get going. As it is, I don’t think we’ll make the first bell.” She tossed a bra and a pair of socks on the bed beside me, then hurried for the door. “We’ll have to see Mr. McCormick at lunch.”

“Lunch!” I yelled after her, but it was too late. Diane rushed out of the room, the door swinging too behind her. I plopped onto the soft bed and hung my head, wondering just how long this nightmare was going to go on. Under other circumstances, it might have been fun…even erotic, I suppose. There were a lot of things I guy my size could do to and for a girl like Diane. But I didn’t think of her that way. Not really. She was really cute, but she was my friend, and had been for too long. Even when we had played ‘doctor’ a time or two when growing up together, it had never gone beyond ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’. Still, I had noticed how she had matured. She had a great set of legs, and nice breasts. And I loved her feet. But then I loved all women’s feet: my own sick little fetish.

I leaned back, taking in the vast expanse of the comforter and the things Diane had placed near me. I was well aquainted with her panties, having spent the night with them, and I had spent a brief, agonizing minute in one of her tube socks, so there was nothing new there for me either. Her bra however was another story all together.

It towered over me as I crawled over to it, its black cups like twin hills pointing to the sky. I reached out and touched it, feeling the stiff, lacy material. It felt cool. I stood and circled it, feeling the straps and buckles as I passed them, then walking between the mounds to return where I had started. I started laughing, thinking how the bra seemed like a statue to me; like a huge monument dedicated to the majesty of Diane’s breasts. I fell back to the bed, holding my stomach, laughing even harder.

Something caught my attention and I cut short my laughter. Listening intently, I heard the far off sound of water cascading in the shower in the bathroom, and knew that Diane was still occupied. I rolled over onto my stomach and lay flat, surveying the room. I noticed nothing new, or out of place, until I glanced at the door. It had swung open and was now slightly ajar. Diane had pulled it to, but it had not latched shut.

I waited, not moving and barely breathing. I rationalized that if someone had opened an outer door in the house that a breeze or air pressure might cause this one to shift. Even someone passing in the hall might have stirred the door to swing open, but I had heard no one pass. I trembled, realizing what I feared it might be.


As if on cue, prompted by my mental utterance of its name, the big, ugly beast pounced up onto the bed. It might have been actually fluffy once upon a time, but now its yellow hair was streaked with gray and pale and matted down in spots on its body. It was as fat as I remembered, though obviously much bigger from my current point of view. One eye was glazed white and milky, but the other was alert and peering about. I saw its nose wrinkle, its whiskers twitching as it sniffed, seeking me.

I stayed prone on the bed, partially hidden by Diane’s bra. Terror swept over me, crashing down like a wave, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out. I watched the beast as it padded towards the pillows at the head of the bed, hoping that the lingering odors of Diane’s body would mask my own scent. It was huge, and my mind conjured images of the great prehistoric cats that probably plagued the lives of my far distant ancestors. I felt like a claymation figure in an old Harryhausen monster movie. I barely stifled a moan as I watched Fluffy circle twice then settle in on the pillows for a nap. I was trapped.


I heard a knock on the door and buried my head in the comforter in dismay as Diane’s sister, Pam, eased into the room. This just got better and better. I held my position, still hidden behind Diane’s brassier, hoping that like the cat, Pam would not see me. She stopped just inside the doorway, looking around the room, obviously annoyed that Diane was not available for her.

Pam was taller than Diane, and thus, towered far above me even from a distance. She was in decent shape too, though slimmer than her younger sister, and with a little more muscle tone as she was on the volleyball team through high school, and now in college I suspected. Her hair was longer and a little lighter than Diane’s, and she had it tied back in a tight ponytail. She wore no makeup as well, but had on a slender pair of round spectacles that I did not remember seeing her wear before, though I had not really seen her at more than passing in months. She wore a tight tee shirt of green that did not really do anything to flatter her small breasts, and a pair of faded blue denim pants that hugged her slender hips but made her long legs seem too straight.

She seemed about to leave, and I prematurely let out a sigh of relief when she noticed the cat curled up on the pillows. Her face broke into a wide grin as she stepped into the room and flopped onto the edge of the bed to scratch the beast behind its ears. It hissed slightly, having been roused from its nap, then started to purr in a gravelly voice as Pam scratched it pleasurably.

“HI KITTY.” Pam’s voice echoed around the room and pounded my eardrums, but there was nothing I could do but bear it. It was loud, but did not hurt as Diane’s had the day before. I watched as she stroked and poked at the cat, wishing that she would just pick the creature up and leave.

“GETTING HAIRS ALL OVER DIANE’S BED, KITTY.” She giggled, and I cringed. “PRINCESS ISN’T GOING TO LIKE THAT.” Pam sniggered and brushed the beast harder, depositing more hairs onto Diane’s pillows with every stroke. Fluffy, apparently tired of the unwanted affection, stood and quickly bounded off the bed and, thankfully, out the door, leaving Pam with a handful of fur. Pam brushed her hands together, letting the stray hairs fall to the bed, then shifted her weight, about to rise.

My heart skipped a beat as her huge face turned fully in my direction. Our eyes locked, and she cocked her head in curiosity. I saw her hand rise up and soar towards me like some great bird of prey. I tensed, ready to bolt…


Diane’s voice screeched, breaking the tense silence and jerked Pam up short just inches from grabbing me. Pam shot to her feet to confront her sister who was standing in the doorway, a towel wrapped about her body and her damp hair hanging loosely about her shoulders. She looked awesome.

“HIYA SIS.” Pam said casually standing before Diane with a conceited smirk on her face.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?” Diane asked as she moved past her sister and over to the bed to block me from Pam’s view. She had to speak normally, and I had to endure it.


“I’M LATE AS IT IS, PAM. CAN’T YOU TAKE THE BUS?” Diane sat on the bed, trying to act casual, and began brushing out her still dripping hair. Pam frowned, and I heard her sigh as though put upon.

“I’VE GIVEN YOU PLENTY OF RIDES BEFORE, BRAT. YOU KNOW MY CAR’S IN THE SHOP. TIME FOR YOU TO RETURN THE FAVOR.” I saw Pam cross her arms, waiting for a reply, and it was Diane’s turn to sigh. Diane was too nice for her own good. I would have made the bitch walk.


Pam grinned triumphantly, having won again, then turned on her heel to leave. “HURRY UP.” she added, before pulling the door closed behind her. Diane shifted on the bed, and turned to face me. A look of concern crossed her face, but when she saw that I was all right her expression softened. She smiled apologetically and my heart melted.

“Sorry about that. I guess we’re stuck with her for awhile. Luckily the college is on the way to school, so it shouldn’t make us any later than we already are.” She got up then, and went over to the vanity table to sit and finish her hair. I watched as she then applied a bit of lip-gloss, and a pale hint of shadow to her eyes.

I thought about telling her about the cat, but decided against it. I did not want her to worry, as she did seem concerned about my predicament, and my safety, despite the little bits of humiliation she had put me through the night before. Better to remind her to close the door next time, or maybe hide me if she was going to leave me alone. Hopefully there would not be a next time.

Finally she got up from the vanity and went to the closet. She pulled out a tee shirt and jeans, and dropped a pair of worn leather sneakers on the floor by the bed. She ordered me to turn around then, making a little twirling motion with her finger, and I complied. I made a big show of feeling dejected though, and this caused her to laugh happily, a sound like silver Christmas bells. Everything she did suddenly seemed pleasing to me, and I started to worry. What was happening to me now?

I felt the bed rock, and I tumbled over. I turned to see Diane tying her shoes, now fully dressed. She looked like any other girl from school, dressed rather plainly. Nothing glamorous or outstanding, but to me she seemed beautiful. I wondered if I was falling in love as I stared at her, or was it some motherly/protection thing. I had not taken Psychology yet, but I shuddered at the implications of the latter.

Diane glanced at me out of the corner of her eye and caught me staring. “What?” she asked, and I stuttered, saying it was nothing. She gave me an odd look, then scooped up her purse from the floor and set it on the bed, undoing the clasp and opening the flap. She ordered me in as she gathered her coat, then asked if I was ready before shouldering the bag and heading out the door and out of the house.

It was a chilly morning, but I had some protection in the purse, and I added to it, wrapping in a tissue to cover my naked body. I was prepared for the ride this time as well, and braced myself against the impending bumps and swinging. Before we got to the car I heard Pam’s muffled voice ringing with a snide tone.

“About time. I was getting cold.”

“Sorry Pam.” I heard Diane answer, trying to remain pleasant. “I did have to get dressed.”

“Whatever.” There was no love lost between these two.

Suddenly the flap on the purse opened and I briefly saw Diane’s face before her hand dove in. I wondered what was going on, then realized that she was fishing for her car keys. On a whim, I reached out and stroked her finger, and I heard her gasp in surprise. She casually flicked me away, then snatched the keys out of the bag, closing the flap again.

“What’s your problem?” I heard Pam ask, and Diane told her that she had just pricked her finger, which made me laugh. Within moments we were all in the car, and I was dumped onto the back seat again. I heard the engine start, and soon we were off.

The drive to school was about fifteen minutes, less for the college, and the sisters barely acknowledged one another during the entire trip. After a bit, I cautiously crawled to the top of the purse and poked my head out of the opening. Diane had dropped me directly behind the passenger seat, so there was little chance of Pam spotting me, so I settled back to enjoy the ride. I watched buildings pass by, and occasionally the reflection of another car in the window, though nothing came near enough to see me. Before long the car turned sharply, and the buildings were replaced by trees and I knew we had pulled onto the campus grounds. I edged back into the purse as I felt the car slow and Diane asked Pam where she wanted to be let out. Pam directed her, and eventually the car stopped. I heard Pam climb out, and without a ‘thank you’, heard the door slam shut.

“Bitch.” I heard that.

I felt the bag shift, and I tumbled down to the bottom as Diane moved it to the front seat.

“You can come out now, Billy.” I heard her say, and I cautiously poked my head out again as I felt the car start to move.

“Is it safe?” I asked, knowing that it was, and Diane smiled at my show of timidity.

“Yeah…It’s safe. The wicked witch is gone. Ding-Dong.” We both laughed and I settled down on her purse, which was softer than the vinyl seat cushions of the car. I watched Diane as she maneuvered the car, shifting gears and watching the road, her eyes always roving. I was totally enraptured by the way her feet moved, shifting from pedal to pedal as she changed gears, sped up or braked. It was like some bizarre ballet, and I could not help fantasizing what it would be like to be under her shoes, her feet pressing down on me.

“Are you okay?”

Diane’s voice snapped me from my daydreams and I jerked my head up to find her staring at me. We were not moving, apparently stopped for a red light as I heard cars buzzing by in the distance. I blushed under her gaze, and turned away, noticing that I had an erection. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer.

“You were really spacing out there, Billy. Is everything all right?” Her voice was soft and sweet, and I could see the concern in her face when I got the courage to look up at her again.

“I’m fine.” I mumbled sheepishly, but she did not seem convinced.

“What were you staring at down there…My feet?”

I swallowed my heart, which had suddenly swollen in my throat, and nodded.

Diane snorted in amusement, and shook her head. “What is with you? Are you one of those foot fetish freaks?”

I stared up at her. This was not going in a good direction. “I wouldn’t say freak, exactly.”

“I would have thought that you had other things to occupy your mind right now.” A horn blared behind us, and Diane started the car moving again. Like an idiot, I let my gaze drift to her feet, just for a second. She caught it.

“Jeez.” She giggled, then glanced at me, keeping one eye on the road. Her face was all seriousness now as she eyed me critically.

“Did you clean my sandals last night, when I left them on the bed?” she asked, and my voice locked up. I nodded.

“I thought so. I was just joking when I told you to, but I noticed they looked cleaner when I came back. What did you do? Polish them with the bed spread?”

“N-no…” I whispered. I was too far gone now. I had to tell her. “I- I used my tongue…”

“You licked them?” she gasped, and I felt the car swerve slightly. “You licked my dirty SHOES?” Her voice rose, but I don’t think she was aware of it. “WHAT ARE YOU…SICK?”

I covered my ears, begging her to calm down, and within a few blocks she did. I could see that her face was flushed with embarrassment, and her breasts were heaving as she tried to steady her breathing. She stared straight ahead as we waited at another red light, and I sat there stupidly, wondering what to say. When we started moving again, she spoke up first.

“I’m sorry, Billy. That was mean of me to say what I did. It was just a little…shocking.”

“As opposed to talking to a six-inch tall guy sitting on your purse.” I joked, and she smirked.

“You know what I mean. Don’t try to be cute.” She scolded me, but I could tell she did not really mean it. “It’s just…Well… We’ve known each other for years, and it’s strange to hear something like that coming from one of your best friends.” She glanced down at me and grinned, “Despite his current conditions.”

I watched as she eased the car around a long curve and knew that we were now about five minutes from the school. When she positioned the car for a long stretch, she glanced at me again.

“How long have you had this…fetish?”

“Since I was little…younger (I corrected).”

“You’ve had a thing for my feet since we were kids?”

“Well…Not just your feet. All women’s feet. But especially their shoes.”

“Oh.” She seemed a little hurt at that, but I couldn’t figure why. “Even your mother and sister?”

“Yes…I guess so. But it was nothing sexual.” I quickly added, lest she think me some kind of freak again. She considered for a moment, easing the car into another lane.

“I think it’s nothing but sexual, Billy. But I know what you mean, I think. What about my mother’s feet? And Pam’s?”

I nodded sheepishly, and she laughed. “Now that’s grotesque.” We drove on, and I saw that sparkle in her eye again.

“What do you want to do to my feet, Billy?” she asked.

“There’s not much I can do at this size.” I kidded, and she sniffed, hiding her amusement.

“You’re being cute again, shorty.” She flashed her dazzling smile again, and I was hers.

“You answer me now, and tell me the truth. I’d hate to have to punish you for fibbing.” She chuckled, and I felt the car slowing down. “Do you want to kiss my feet? Lick my shoes? Is that what gets you hot?”

“Yes.” I whispered, and this seemed to delight her for some reason.

“Have you ever done it with a girl before? The feet thing, I mean.”


“Would you like to?”

I stared up at her in disbelief. She was staring squarely down at me, a smile of anticipation curling her lips. I only then noticed that the car had stopped. “God, yes.” I said, and fell forward onto my knees, which was really not all that much of a shift in my position, but Diane got the hint.

In a flash she had gently scooped me up in her hand and deposited me on the gritty floormat at her feet. She stared down at me through her legs, and I in turn stared up at her, wondering what I should do next. I guess I looked pretty stupid, as she burst out in a fit of giggles.

“Well, go ahead.” She urged me on, seeing that I was confused, then returned her attention back to the road as she eased the car back out into traffic. “No reason you shouldn’t have a little fun with this, and it certainly won’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you. Just be careful down there. Don’t get under foot.”

She ignored me then, so I turned about and stared at her feet. They seemed huge to me, though I’m sure in actuality they were quite small. I watched as they went through the motions of driving the car; brake, gas, shift. After a bit, the car was running smoothly and Diane slid her foot off of the clutch pedal and placed it flat on the floor. Cautiously, I approached, feeling the vibrations of the car through my own bare feet.

I could smell the well-worn leather of her shoe as I inched my way forward. She was wearing ankle socks, and I stared at the little pink fuzzy ball that dangled before my eyes. It was almost mesmerizing, the way it bounced with the movements of the car, and tentatively I reached out and touched it. It felt strange.

I reached past the ball and caressed the leather of her shoe. It was soft and smooth, and oddly warm, from the heat of Diane’s feet I supposed. I stroked the leather lovingly, trailing my hand along the side of her foot as I made my way to the toe cap. I could see her toes flexing under the leather, like a thing alive, some captive animal. A ‘toe beast’. I giggled at the thought. I glanced up, and caught her glancing away. Diane was watching me, and watching out for me, I suspected. I bent low, lying on the tip of her shoe so she could feel my weight, and kissed her foot.


I heard Diane scream and suddenly the car veered sharply, sending me sprawling off of her shoe and out of control. I slammed back against the brake pedal, dazed from the impact as Diane’s foot shifted to press down over me. I briefly saw the worn tread on the sole of her shoe before her foot covered me and pressed down on the pedal (and me) with all her weight. I screamed in agony as her foot mashed me flat, expecting to hear my own body pop as I exploded under her shoe.

Oddly, I did not die.

Her foot continued to press down on me, and I continued to scream as I felt the car skid to a stop with a squeal of rubber. After an eternity, Diane shifted her foot, and I was peeled away from the pedal to fall face first onto the floor mat. I felt the grit on the rubber mat under my body, and the stiff bristles of the frayed carpet as well. I sensed Diane’s feet on either side of me, but I could not focus my eyes. I heard Diane screaming again, from a long way away.


A shadow swooped in and fell over me and I was suddenly flying again. I moaned at the movement, as intense pain wracked my body. I wanted to die, but strangely, I felt secure in the tender warmth of her hand.

I saw her face as she held me up, but it looked elongated and distorted, as though reflected in a fun house mirror. Her eyes were wide with fright, and sparkling with a wetness. She was crying.


I wasn’t dead. I hurt too much to be dead. I tried to speak…to breathe, but my lungs were on fire. I tried to move, but my body was mush. I glanced down my frame, rolling my eyes (even that hurt), and I saw that my body was almost flat. There was no blood, but I could see a black bruise forming, rising up on my skin from my crushed legs to my flattened out chest. I could see the tread marks of Diane’s shoe all along my body. I looked up at Diane, one final time, then closed my eyes to wait for death to claim me.


I heard Diane gasp, her voice a whisper. I opened my eyes again, and oddly, her face was back in proportion. The pain was stil
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 05:30:56 am by Gromet »


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