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A review of some SubShop stuff

Started by Crimsin, December 27, 2015, 06:35:36 PM

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I like subshop products but all of them are priced to match quality. It's pretty but not gonna be a lifetime piece. Couple of years at best but still good for the price.That being said here are some reviews of stuff I have bought from them. 
The sensory deprivation hood that's black with red straps is pretty good. After two years the lacing grommets have started popping out and some of the material is fraying. That's after 2 years of monthly use so it's still good. It was a bargain hood to begin with so yeah. The hood feels amazing on the face and really adds the pressure and knowledge of this is "real tight".

The red leather lockable cuffs. Alright the rivets have started popping out but that is a quick fix at any leather shop. They are not padded but feel good on the skin. Plus locking makes any piece of gear look cooler and add the little bit excitement of locking permanence. 

The severe restriction mask and collar. Its a posture collar that is over complicated and really small. It has a neat look but isn't a great posture collar and a terrible gag. Just skip it.

That's all for now. Talk to y'all later.

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