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Bondage videos that suck....

Started by Daffy Duck, August 09, 2016, 10:47:09 AM

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Daffy Duck

I found these on Youtube, and I thought I would share...

Hope you enjoy.



Although You tube has  had a very  "FEW" decent bondage videos in the past, I think most of them wind up reported for what ever reason and get removed.


When the subject sucked down in these crude vacuum beds, how does she breathe?  Is the suction so mild that there is a big pocket of trapped air? 


Quote from: Ultraprene on February 11, 2019, 10:25:47 PM
When the subject sucked down in these crude vacuum beds, how does she breathe?  Is the suction so mild that there is a big pocket of trapped air?

You can see a tube in the bag. It's positioned a long her arms as it seems, so she will get air.

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