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Emergency releases

Started by Jimdini, May 02, 2016, 04:28:10 AM

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We all have back up releases (I hope) but sod;s law says 'What can go wrong will go wrong', so planning an emergency back up system is a good idea.(  )  A friend pointed out to me that modern mobiles often have an emergency alert facility, which lets you send a pre st message with a single key push to pre set contact (s). Easier than 999 or 911 and less embarrassing.


It's not a fail-safe: you may find your phone or theirs fails to work for some reason, the call doesn't go through, and then you're stuffed. The failsafe approach is that, if you trust them that much, tell them positively before you start that you need them to check up on you if they don't hear from you by such-and-such a time. Better yet, for them to be in the house acting as a Dom should, ready to react if you are in trouble.
Yes, I know it's rather contrary to the idea of self-bondage, but the idea's to survive.
When you design safety systems, they have to fail safe, so even if they don't work as planned, they still work, unplanned. Things like knowing that the winch won't drop you on your head from two meters if the power fails...Electrical systems have to fail powered down, and when they fail they must release rather than stay as they are.


I agree it's not a fail=safe. But is a handy fall back if a simple scenario goes wrong, I had always got loose by myself or with a pre arranged back up before!


I prefer self bondage these days, (generally speaking) where one isn't anchored to something that can't move, like a tree or series of trees. I have in the past hidden an emergency key in a group of sticker bushes some distance away from where I am playing, being forced to hobble or hop to my key and get scratched up to gain my freedom if my planned escape fails. I have also hidden a key to the locks about my legs relatively close by, but the key to my cuffs quite some distance away providing a further adventure to gain my freedom if my plan "A" escape fails, (keys that don't drop where they should are considered to be lost for good in my mind). When on such adventures every sound in the forest is magnified to my ears as my cuffed behind my back and naked form is about as vulnerable as it can be.

Once I had a black bear interrupt my fun, I forced to make my way away from my play area to hide in the woods until I thought it was safe to return, all in all an exciting adventure, although not in the way I had anticipated. Another time I heard voices that sounded much closer than they actually were, I getting myself misdirected in the woods naked and cuffed in my attempt to hide, only to have it start to rain and I soaked to the bone before I got back to my car and clothes.

Anchored in place is incredibly exciting to me, the Perils Of Pauline factor and the resulting fantasies extremely high, as are the risks. I have used a padlock frozen closed with the key in the lock as a release mechanism, with my back up being an ordinary padlock with the key intertwined in the chain someplace where I can reach it. That is my emergency release, and if I have to use that one I have a price in my mind for using it. I once used it, not because I was stuck, but because I got bored and wanted out, my self inflicted punishment to spend the entire next adventure, (all day long) naked and cuffed in the woods on the errand of hiding a set of keys for a future play date.

One could also have a jar with various emergency key punishments listed, you having to chose one from the jar for using the emergency escape. It could be anything from discretely going commando at work the following day, or something hugely embarrassing like going to an adult shop and buying the largest sex toy they have.

Involving a trusted friend with a time to worry by and location is by far safer (as a very last resort), but has it's own potential consequences, and adventures, and doesn't depend on a technology fail.

Just my thoughts, please play safe, Jackie.

P.S. I tend to trust mechanical things over electronic ones, ironic, or possibly not if you knew what I did for a living.   


he sound of it you would have nowhere to keep the phone anyway. ;)
I don't have the nerve to do outdoor scenarios I admire your courage. :)


And was I glad I set up the safety assistant this morning


I am lucky enough to live with people who know about my self bondage.  I have had to yell for help in the past, but there has been talk of installing a wireless doorbell I could press with my nose or such if need be.  Of course I could set up punishments with the people ahead of time if I were to use it other than  for emergency.

As far as those who do self bondage and do not have an emergency person: I prefer to have an open container that has a hard to clean, non flammable liquid in it with a key tied to it.  So if something goes wrong I can make the decision to have to clean a big mess after the fact and be safe.  In this way I know I'm safer from a fire or such, but I won't just use it because I'm bored or uncomfortable.
Another option that isn't on demand, but is fairly reliable is having a laptop unplugged, up high with a key hanging from CD tray that is closed with the self bondage CD tray program running.  It allows you to set a minimum/max time at random or a solid time to open the tray.  It will also open once you drop below a certain % battery.

Have fun and play safe.


Quote from: SergeantA on August 10, 2016, 12:47:51 PM
I am lucky enough to live with people who know about my self bondage.  I have had to yell for help in the past, but there has been talk of installing a wireless doorbell I could press with my nose or such if need be.  Of course I could set up punishments with the people ahead of time if I were to use it other than  for emergency.

First off. Let me welcome you to Gromet's Plaza Forums as I noticed you are listed as our newest member.

Next. I can only dream of having people close enough to me to welcome them into my self-bondage world. I truly envy you!

I use electromagnets as my main release method. They are the only truly fail-safe release mechanism I have found. However, a backup release plan is always needed for the true emergencies which can always arise. I have been trying to get my Arduino to become my eyes and ears for my safety person.

I want to set it up with a smoke/fire detector to release my electromagnet when it goes off. That way, I stay strictly where I am bound until the timer concludes, or, if the smoke detector releases due to an emergency.

I enjoyed your input and hope you have mine as well.

Safe playing!



Quote from: ElectroPainLover on August 10, 2016, 04:57:15 PMI have been trying to get my Arduino to become my eyes and ears for my safety person.

I want to set it up with a smoke/fire detector to release my electromagnet when it goes off. That way, I stay strictly where I am bound until the timer concludes, or, if the smoke detector releases due to an emergency.

Nice idea. I hadn't thought to use an arduino for that. I assume you can add more inputs to the arduino, is that right?


It's actually wise to have a double self-release solution when self-bolting - it can save your life.

The idea of putting the second key attached to a long string in the plastic oil bottle on the shelf is really good. It does three things:
1°) If you're bored, think before you try to shorten the game, because cleaning up will be boring.
2°) If you've made a mistake, you'll be punished.
3°) It's a safety feature.
The best fetish is the one that allows you to blossom. So they're all good.

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