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Boomerang Maidbot by ObjectOriented

Started by teanndaorsa, February 15, 2025, 08:36:42 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
F/m; maid-bot; M2maidbot; maid; mind-control; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


I liked the story, liked the control and setup too; the mother and sister thing I could do without though. If the mother's friend borrowed, or even subleased Ava, that might make a nice second chapter, and the shortage of maidbot parts cold play in nicely here as well.

 Since the mother is paying for the service, does that mean that Ava generates an income, and is this technically a job for her useless son? Does the sister dislike her brother so much that she finds a way to steal Ava away, turn him into her own slave back home? Cleaning out the son's room was curious as well, so as a reader I'm wondering who ordered that, and to what eventual purpose?

So many possibilities...

Thank you for sharing, Jackie.   


Having a male become a maidbot had been something on my mind lately. Not that I had solid plans for a story yet, I was pleasantly surprised to see this one. There is plenty of opportunities to expand and further explore this story. Others have mentioned some of it. His stuff being moved out is one of those open plot holes waiting to be filled along with his interactions with his mother and his sister. His sister did take plenty of blackmail material and no doubt can get more. It will be interesting to see where it goes if we get another.

Object Oriented

Thanks so much for the feedback! It's nice to hear I'm not the only one noticing there's not a lot of M2maidbot content. I would love to see that category get some more attention, maybe even an epic saga a la Weekend Maid. I don't know that this story is destined to become that but I'll stay open to inspiration.

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