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Tied up in leather unable to escape

Started by Me2324, January 12, 2025, 07:40:49 PM

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Bondage, leather, spandex, crotch ropes, tricked.

This Story actually happened as the person on the story knew my fantasy so she used it to trick me.

So myself and Sarah, my now ex wife of 10 years weren't really on talking terms as we had an extremely bad break up. She would sometimes use the children as a weapon to get what she wanted but such is life I suppose. Anyway one day I basically said no more using the kids, I'm not giving you any extra money from now on as I already pay more than enough. We had an argument then we left it at that... or so I thought.

Sarah sent me a message a few days after the argument apologising to me for everything saying she regretted splitting up, she hates us arguing and wondered if I fancied going round for a nice evening to chat. She knew the kids were with my parents for the next 3 nights so she knew I'd be free for a while so I agreed to go round (mistake number 1 for me).

 I turned up at her house and knocked on the door, she answered the door and my jaw just dropped, she looked absolutely stunning and I couldn't believe it, she had her black hair up with a nice little fringe, dark purple lipstick on, she was wearing a nice silky red top tucked in to a pair of extremely high waisted very shiny real leather trousers and some leather knee high leather boots. She knew my fantasy so she knew this would have me right where she wanted me (mistake number 2).

She gave me a kiss on the lips and said "go up to the bedroom, there are some items of clothing on the bed for you". "Strip off naked then get dressed into the clothes and I will be up shortly". She said she has a little surprise for me.

Obviously at this point I was definitely not going to say no so I went upstairs and saw the outfit she had picked out for me. It was a tight leather body suit type thing which zipped between my legs, so I put it on happily and zipped it up between my legs, it was very tight on my body and equally as tight rubbing against my crotch which I enjoyed.  The next item I noticed was a pair of tight leather trousers which I was more than happy to wear, the leather trousers were a bit strange though because they zipped up at the back and had leather straps at the top each side of the zip with holes in. I didn't really care though as I was going to do everything she said. So I put the trousers on and zipped up the trousers, I realised just how tight and high waisted the trousers were, I loved how they felt and they were really shiny and felt so nice and soft. The next item were some shiny leather boots which seemed strange but I put them on and tipped them up the sides. Sarah came up stairs to me still looking absolutely stunning, she was holding a big bag full of something. She said she wanted to make it all up to me and we do my fantasy together and she's going to give me the best night I've ever had. I was more than happy to oblige. She came to the back of me and said she was going to finish off dressing me in my new trousers, the next thing I felt them being pulled down slightly and I felt what I thought was her fingers on between the body suit and my crotch. She eventually pulled the trousers  back up again not really saying much and seeming quite abrupt and moody but I just thought it was part of the fantasy (3rd big mistake) .

She then told me to put my wrists together behind my back, sarah began to rope my wrists together extremely tight so I was unable to free my self. Not that I wanted to but I was about to be in for a big surprise. Next she tied just above my elbows up bringing my elbows as close together as they would go which felt really good. At this point I was in awe and loving life.

The next thing I herd Sarah's door open downstairs and I herd a familiar voice, it was Sarah's best friend Stacey. I heard her walking up stairs so I started to panic because myself and Stacey haven't ever really got along. Sarah started giggling, Stacey walked in the bedroom and just said "well you were kidding Sarah, I can't believe you managed to trick him into this" I was stunned with my mouth wide open but before I could say anything Stacey walked over close to me and shoved a ball gag in my mouth strapping it at the back.

Stacey has a very nice body just the same as Sarah, I couldn't help but stare at them both as they stood infront of me laughing, Stacey was wearing a white silky top with some high waisted spandex disco jeans on, they are so tight they left nothing to the imagination. They both looked down and could see my cock was extremely hard, stacey just said "again Sarah you were right, he's really enjoying himself, I don't think he would want us to let him out even if we offered" Sarah then replied" I don't care what he wants he's not getting out until I say so" Stacey then walked behind me and said "Sarah you didn't finish off his trousers" the next thing I felt the trousers being pulled up further than I thought they could go. The zip was tugged higher which i didn't realise I'd missed that bit then I herd a click, Stacey explained that she had padlocked the zip up to the leather straps so there was no way I was getting those trousers off even if I could remove the rope. Sarah then piped up and said" he won't be removing any rope and the funny thing is we are no where near close to being finished roping him up" Stacey then got a really really long piece of rope, she folded it over and wrapped it round my waist at the front of me, she pulled the rope through my legs with each piece going either side of my hard cock,  the rope was then put through the back of the waist and left dangling. Sarah then got a piece of rope and wrapped it round my upper arms, under my arm pit, round the back of my neck, back through the other arm pit and then tied it back off to my upper arm. I didn't understand what this one was for but then I felt the dangling rope from between my legs being pulled up tight and looped through the rope at the back of my neck then back down between my elbow rope and down to the wrist rope between my hands, she then yanked it causing my arms to bend so my hands were sat just about my bum. Stacey started pulling at the ropes each side of my cock placing them properly then Sarah pulled the rope taught and then tied it off.

Stacey then ordered me to struggle to try to get free, I did as I was told, not as if I was in a position to argue, I immediately felt the ropes pulling tighter against my cock causing a thrusting motion which in turn excited me more causing my cock to swell. Both of them started to laugh at me. Stacey said "Sarah he is really enjoying this, what next" to which Sarah grabbed more rope tying my ankles tightly together, then below my knees and then above my knees. I was completely helpless but loving every second of it. I was then put on to the bed onto my front, the next bit was a shock because I expected the hogtie but not the bit after. Sarah tied a rope to my ankle rope, bent my legs as far as they would go towards my bum and she then put the rope through my crotch rope, she carried the rope on tying it off up and my elbow rope but somehow causing it to be pulled even tighter up against my cock. It was already tight but this even tighter feeling felt absolutely incredible. At this point I was loving it but I didn't realise it was about to take a turn.

I was now lay on my side completely helpless not able to do anything, Stacey came over and said to me "are you ready?" I looked at her and she started to move my legs back and forth which in turn basically started to thrust against my cock again. I was really getting into it and then she stopped. "Wouldn't want you to have too much fun yet would we" they both then laughed. Sarah then said " I know he can't reach any of the knots but let's just make sure" they then each pulled out a leather mitten and put them on each hand locking them on with pad locks. I was so turned on and really just kept thinking "keep it coming ladies because I am loving this". Sarah then pulled a remote off of the side. She had put together a playlist of lots of different bondage porn first be to watch of different women tied up in different shiny clothing. They were both starting to walk away when they stopped, turned around and Sarah said " well that's us almost finished, just one last thing" she pulled out a small remote and said "remember earlier when I pulled your trousers down?" I nodded, "well I put a small out powerful vibrator down between your legs which is controlled by this little remote." I looked startled, sarah then said. "I don't care about your fantasy and neither does Stacey. We are going to leave that vibrator of a random teasing setting and we are going to go out and leave you like this. Also just remember, you are child free for 3 days yet so you could be here a very long time". With that I felt the vibrator come to life and I couldn't help but start to moan and squirm. they both walked off laughing, just before the door closed Sarah said "have fun with your fantasy, don't go anywhere" she then laughed closing the door, I then herd the door downstairs shut and lock as they both left me there. I was worried but I couldn't think about that, I was finally getting my fantasy and they had made it far better than I ever could have imagined.

To be continued........

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