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Started by Mrs. Locks, December 04, 2024, 02:49:23 PM

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Mrs. Locks

What are your tips on self-discipline?

I'm having trouble lately.  I'm trying to get myself to lose some weight and I'm using corsets and bondage as a means of accomplishing it.  But the priority is really just trying to do the things I say I'm going to do. For example: I have weekly challenges of wearing a corset for 12 hours a day when I'm not at work, and for 20 hours on days I don't go to work, with a running tally of being corseted a certain number of total hours.  It started when I wanted to punish myself for something, saying "okay, just for that, you're going to corset for 24 hours this weekend". I didn't make it the full 24 hours, so I gave myself a time penalty.  Every time I take the corset off early or don't sleep in my cage or some other thing I don't do, I add time to how much I'm supposed to wear the corset.  The point of the penalties is so that I don't break my promises and do the thing I'm supposed to do.  The penalties are sometimes harsh.  As one example, for every minute I'm out of a corset when I'm supposed to be in one, I add 3 more minutes.  I also add 1 hour for every single time I take it off early.  So if I say I'm going to wear it for 24 hours, and only hit 20 hours, that's 1 extra hour plus 3 times the 4, or 12 hours... so 13 more hours I have to wear it later on.

At one point, I was down to 17 hours remaining.  I was going to wear the corset that night in my cage, but I started to panic a bit and released myself early after only a few hours and the penalties racked up fast.  A few weeks went by and I managed to keep the hours around 40 or 50, just maintaining, but I've basically lost all control at this point.

I'm up to 328 hours remaining, with various other penalties like wearing a ball gag for 6 hours, or having to go out in public (bank/store) in my outfit and heels.  But it's just a number now and I can't keep up with the discipline to keep with it.  I want to do it, I enjoy doing it, but the penalties just overshadow my main task and I don't know how I kept up on it so well last month, but this month is slipping away from me even after I've promised to keep the penalties harsh as encouragement to not break my rules.

How do you manage self-discipline with self bondage?  Even in simple situations like not going after your safety key earlier than you wanted, or something like that?   :-[

~Mrs. Locks~
RIP former Gromet's Plaza Forum


I would say that the trick is to set rules which feel achievable. In the heat of the moment I'm sure it's tempting to set aggressive targets, but if they don't feel within reach, it's easy to mentally admit defeat, especially without someone else enforcing them. Even with someone enforcing them, I'd say. You want the flood of endorphins that come from pushing yourself but then succeeding, if you just push yourself but set targets you can never succeed at, all you get is the negatives and none of the rewards.


A corset won't really help you lose weight, but there's another solution in self-bondage mode.
- Prepare light meals with vegetables and water to drink for 24 hours. (Take a bucket with you if you need it)
- Prepare this self restraint device

- Tie yourself up like a dog with a chain and padlock to the radiator.
The aim is to stop you eating nonsense for 24 hours.
Repeat as often as necessary.

You can add fetish accessories and sex toys, but this won't make you put on weight - quite the opposite.
The best fetish is the one that allows you to blossom. So they're all good.

Mrs. Locks

The main discussion wasn't really mainly about losing weight, but I use the corset to ensure I'm eating smaller meals.  This does help with my weightloss journey. :)

As for achievable goals, that's some great insight. While I do want to do all the things, it's not entirely feasible to be able to do it with 80% of my free time, especially when I'm adding penalties that would essentially mean I'd have to practice this in 100% of my free time, that's just going to lead to a downward spiral, for sure.

Thanks for the input!

~Mrs. Locks~
RIP former Gromet's Plaza Forum

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