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Any women here?

Started by trashbagguy, June 02, 2024, 08:01:48 AM

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I am into plastic trash bags.  I love wearing them and being encased in them from the neck down.  I also like transformation stuff as well.  But I am straight and single and would like to chat or message with some females who are willing to try or are into this as well.

I hope we can be friends.



Please do not view the following as criticism, but rather advice

1:  "any women here" rarely will attract the attention of women.  It usually signals a man who is perhaps *too* focused on the idea of finding a partner.

2:  Please don't call women "females".  It makes you sound like a ferengi. 

Personally I've had better luck with meeting people in person - look for the local bdsm/kink community. 


Thanks for the advice.  how do you find the local community.


What part of the world are you from?

Most cities in North america have a BDSM community.

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