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Heat machine

Started by Kristie75, December 20, 2024, 08:57:11 AM

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Any one been locked in or have a hot box? Anyone made one? I would prefer to think of one that is fairly small, has a chair bolted to the inside to be strapped to and the heat set to go on and off every 3 to 5 minutes. Or at random intervals for random durations. I would be gagged and facing a mirror with a thermometer visible on the inside so l could watch the temperature slowly rise. How long do you think this is bearable? Should the heat come out of the top or bottom of the box...


A very long time ago such devices were supposed to be in health clubs, it closed up like a clam with just your head sticking out. There are no doubt pictures on line of such devices, and likely descriptions on their legitimate use too...

Play safe, Jackie.


That could be fun, locked inside with it set to go on and off randomly...

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