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My personal trainer by jackie rabbit

Started by Maaz258., May 06, 2021, 10:24:34 PM

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I'm finding stories similar to the one "my personal trainer" by jackie rabbit.
Thanks in advance


That was actually a fun story, but I didn't write the next part because I didn't think there was all that much interest; I may have to rethink that though. For my own purposes and education, what specifically did you like about that particular story? My Butler James has a similar theme, as far as somebody privileged needing and earning some less than human discipline, but my personal trainer has a more robotic kind of robot.

I am interested in your thoughts, and thank you for your interest, Jackie.


I really like the story line. But most importantly i like the way a machine controls a human life while the victim is turned on by it, consent is the most important thing, like making a new friend by knottymaster..
If your thinking about continuing it i suggest that you add spanking, whipping, chastity belts by chasti permalock ( if you've heard about it),
I'm to be answered directly by you, I'm feeling lucky 😛 thank you for responding I'm a big fan of your work, I've read all your stories


Thank you, I'm flattered. I think if somebody thinks enough about what I have written to write a comment herself, or himself, that I'm obligated by good manners to respond, which I always do. I also love the interaction on the forum to be honest, and the opportunity to learn what you liked about a particular story is just wonderful for me too. I had started part two right after part one, and then I let the project drop to be honest, but what I had started did have a willow tree switch involved, one that our main character (who needed to lose a few pounds) was to find and present herself to her robotic personal trainer SIR. The chastity device could be fun too, and I will look into it since you suggested such.

Thanks again for your kind words of motivation, Jackie.


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