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Pony play gear/help?

Started by ario120987, January 14, 2018, 05:04:26 PM

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So, my girlfriend, now fiancé, got into has become quite comfortable with my kinks. She's gotten a look at some of my more extreme fetishes without batting an eye. She has even shown an interest in some, specifically pony play. However, I haven't had much luck finding information on safety or gear for pony play. I don't know if I'm just looking in the wrong places or just an internet dunce (not unlikely). I would LOVE to have my fiancé be "My Little Pony" for a while, but not unless we can do it safely and reliably. Can anyone help?

I hope this is going in the right thread...


Hi I spotted this question and immediately thought of Cpony. His site is full of great articles and information. He has been a Human Pony for some long time. You can also find lists and pictures on his Tumblr page. There was one in the last couple of weeks with outlets for Pony gear. Warning they are not cheap
Hope this helps. Gabrielle
Its easier to go through the archive click on what interests you and it will come up.


I found this site in Internet that you might be interested in  8)

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