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Ponygirl's for Christmas by DonnerTie

Started by Gromet, January 13, 2016, 11:56:22 AM

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You'll find this story posted here on the Plaza:
F/f; Sbf; costumes; latex; boots; harness; armbinder; bridle; bitgag; tail; insert; ponygirls; captives; cons/reluct; X

You can leave your comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks!  ;)


Might want to update the artwork link for the story, as it appears to be a broken link.

Might i recommend this:

Otherwise, an excellent little story :)


Doesn't look like the image is on the server any more, nor its thumbnail. So sadly probably best I simply prune out the image entirely. If the original author wants to say that image is okay I'd be happy to add it, but in general I'd like to be careful about using copyrighted work.


This is a really good story, i would have loved to read about the girl's first encounter with Santa but perhaps that's a story for another day. Also i would have liked to get Lizzy's point of view as she was turned into a reindeergirl. i really enjoyed this and hope that the author will post more stories sometime soon.

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