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Together we are Stronger by AmyAmy

Started by Gromet, May 14, 2018, 11:53:04 AM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
Solo-F; FM; discovery; usb; porn; latex; challege; desires; rom; emb; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
Solo-F; M/f; delivery; blakmail; threats; costume; FM+; police; office; memories; latex; emb; arousal; drugs; crime; briefing; no-sex; cons; X
Solo-F; MF+; police; raid; laboratory; discovery; attack; shoot; drugs; dispense; arousal; crime; hospital; recovery; emb; escape; cons/nc; X
Solo-F+; M+/f+; police; station; locker; drugs; kidnap; threat; blackmail; hospital; recovery; memories; rubber; bond; island; discovery; blob; mast; denial; emb; cons/nc; X
Solo-F+; Other/f+; island; discovery; blob; host; engulf; encase; overwhelm; grow; surround; insert; bodymod; pain; torment; drug; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; blob; host; engulf; encase; overwhelm; grow; surround; insert; bodymod; pain; torment; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; transform; bodymod; rubber; encase; cocoon; stuck; dream; discovery; F/fm; bed; messy; goo; clean; sex; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; other/f; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; F/m; reveal; goo; stimulant; sex; climax; F/f; breast; desire; mind-control; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; blob; host; engulf; encase; overwhelm; grow; surround; insert; bodymod; pain; torment; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; FF; warn; discovery; flashbacks; dream; F/fm; breast; arousal; mind-control; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; F+; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; fight; kidnap; captive; flashbacks; dream; globe; reunite; intergrate; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; F/mf+; transform; rubber; alien; encase; stuck; goo; public; fight; kidnap; captive; rescue; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; F/f; M/f; transform; rubber; alien; goo; fight; captive; rescue; encase; memories; mind-transfer; absorbed; discarded; space; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; FM; transform; rubber; alien; goo; encase; investigation; diner; meeting; reveal; cons/nc; X
Solo-F; Other/f; F+; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; fight; kidnap; captive; flashbacks; dream; globe; reunite; intergrate; cons/nc; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


The life and adventures of Maeve Craine continues with Together we are Stronger. More developments will be coming, and I can assure you that things will be different in the latter chapters, so do keep updated with and see what challenges will Maeve be facing!

Please feel free to DM Amy or me if you would like to express your opinions and reviews of the story.


An interesting story with an unusual plot and a group of characters that seem very gritty and realistic.
Looking forward to what comes next!


Wow, I loved the story. 
But, as with the first one, I'm left wanting more!
Please get writing!!!!!! :)

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