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An older story possibly named "Sunflower"

Started by Unajet, January 01, 2018, 03:58:09 AM

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This is a story I read over ten years ago (at least) and for some reason I never forgot it.
It wasn't the best story out there but at the time it was something new and unique to me.
The overall idea is that an artist is willingly taking a female model and sealing her inside of a liquid neoprene suit or pillar (can't remember the exact details except neoprene since I had to look up what it was). He then puts a mask on to hide her face.  The title comes from when he fans out her blond hair over the neoprene to give a 'sunflower' appearance. She is then put into the gallery display for people to see.
I'm hoping that if I can read it a final time, that like a song that gets stuck in your head, that it will stop haunting me.
So, does this sound familiar to anyone out there?


It was part of a series by Hammingbyrd7, I suspect

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