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Maze of Desire

Started by LilC, February 20, 2021, 06:44:32 AM

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Hello everyone,

I wrote a little "choose your own adventure" type game inspired by "Lost in Laminate". You can find it here:

Maine Focus is Latex, bondage, and tentacle. I hope you enjoy it and I would be glad for some feedback. It's not completely done yet, so there are a few deadends.


Took some time, but I finally did an update 😊
Version 0.3a
Still the same link:

There is now a new ending for the spiders, which can be reached from "Lost in the Tunnels" when you "Sit down and wait" and then "concentrate on the holes in the wall."
The new Ending also can be reached through the STARTPAGE (6.) The Spiders and 08.) The Rescue (Spiders)).
Next planed small update will be to make this ending reachable in "The Cave".

I hope at least some people like it so far?


Yes, I did mean to leave a comment last time, but ended up getting distracted by various things in the game and flitting back and forth! I do find these sorts of tales interesting, but it clearly takes so much effort to flesh out enough varying paths to make it feel like a choose-your-own-adventure and not just a couple of linear stories with little in the way of real choice. Well done for making the effort, and interested to see where it ends up.


Thankts :)

That is the main problem, true. Maze of desire is basically a retelling of a RP I had a while ago and rather small.


Update to Version 4.0a:

link stays the same

- "Examine the small holes in the wall" in chapter 2 now leads to the spider path.
- The slime pool in chapter 2 can now be explored further and leads to a new (bad?) end.

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