Author Topic: Emma Sulkowicz performance artist "The Ship is Sinking, 2017"  (Read 3494 times)

Offline Zephyr

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Emma Sulkowicz, a performance artist that carried around a twin-size mattress during her senior year at Columbia to protest what she described as the university's lenient treatment toward the fellow student she claimed raped her has opened a new performance to illustrate the imbalance of societal power (my summary) by letting herself be tied to a beam in a bikini, berated and beaten. Pictures enough for people to get a flavor of the performance.

I think, from the article, the performance is titled "The Ship is Sinking, 2017" but I may be misreading it.
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Offline AmyAmy

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Re: Emma Sulkowicz performance artist "The Ship is Sinking, 2017"
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2017, 01:13:48 pm »
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I had a fuzzy recollection of the mattress "performance".

I love her explanation of what Jackson Pollock's paintings tell us.


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