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Once again with feeling

Started by silentdee, April 05, 2017, 05:35:54 AM

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I asked this before the forum crashed and was answered and I thought I bookmarked it but alas..

M/f to begin then maybe M+/f and definitely MF/f
Maybe packaged but I think more buried? Consensual. Couple gets some sort of.. cylinder thing and M ties f up and puts her in w/ vibe and toys then uses some machine to fill the space with wet sand? So she is trapped inside and just her head is showing. I believe there is a M+ scene where his buddies come over and they use her mouth and tease her all night, then the next day or so her sister shows up and pees on f and starts fucking M? And then they rig it so she can breath thru something and cover her head with more wet sand and maybe there's drinking pee? But it's definitely a stuck situation cuz it ends with the MF telling f she's in there too tight cuz the sand dried out so she better per a lot to loosen it or they won't be able to get her out..

Please help?


Maybe right one, but sounds to me like Cindy's Mud Bath Weekend.  It's a 2 part story.  Here's the first part, second is linked at end of first.


Ah yes, thanks! I guess the guys friends visiting was not an actual part of the story.. wonder where I got that from..


Glad that's it.  Wasn't sure about the guys visiting but the rest sounded right.  :)

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